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MTI research publications are available to download. All publications are listed below. To sort by topic area, select the specific topic from the dropdown menu below.

Title Date Author
Attracting and Retaining Women in the Transportation Industry February 2019 Godfrey & Bertini
Automated Vehicles Have Arrived: What's a Transit Agency to Do? January 2019 Niles
Measuring Incremental SB743 Progress: Accounting for Project Contributions Towards Reducing VMT Under California's Senate Bill 743 January 2019 Ferrell
Managing Cyber Risks & Business Exposure in the Surface Transportation Ecosystem January 2019 Francoeur
Transportation for an Aging Population: Promoting Mobility and Equity for Low-Income Seniors December 2018 Sideris, Wachs, Levy-Storms & Brozen
Does “See Something, Say Something” Work? December 2018 Jenkins & Butterworth
Not Just an Ache: Examining the Rate of Musculoskeletal Pain in City Bus Drivers November 2018 Steele
Where Do Riders Park Dockless, Shared Electric Scooters? Findings from San Jose, California November 2018 Fang, Agrawal, Steele, Hunter, and Hooper
Examining the Development Effects of Modern-Era Streetcars: An Assessment of Portland and Seattle October 2018 Brown & Mendez
The Future of California Transportation Revenue October 2018 Wachs, King & Agrawal
Review of Literature and Curricula in Smart Supply Chain & Transportation September 2018 Lee & Shi
Towards a Smart World: Hazard Levels for Monitoring of Autonomous Vehicles’ Swarms August 2018 Favaro, Agarwal, Nader, & Mahmood
Measuring the Economic Impact of High Speed Rail Construction for California and the Central Valley Region July 2018 Nixon, Holian, Niles, & Pogodzinski
Train Wrecks and Track Attacks: An Analysis of Attempts by Terrorists and Other Extremists to Derail Trains or Disrupt Rail Transportation July 2018 Jenkins & Butterworth
Electric Kick Scooters on Sidewalks in Virginia but Not in California? A Review of How States Regulate Personal Transportation Devices June 2018 Fang, Agrawal & Hooper
Exploring Strategies to Improve Mobility and Safety on Roadway Segments in Urban Areas June 2018 Arhin
What Do Americans Think About Federal Tax Options To Support Transportation? Results From Year Nine of a National Survey June 2018 Agrawal & Nixon
Evaluating San José's 4th Street Pop-up Bikeway: What Does the Public Think? June 2018 Nixon
An Analysis of Vehicle Ramming as a Terrorist Threat May 2018 Jenkins & Butterworth
Establishing a Central Archive for Transit Passenger Data May 2018 Newmark & Nixon




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