Project Management

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MTI is committed to using grant funds responsibly and Principal Investigators (PIs) are obligated to comply with all grant requirements. PIs should take the award obligations seriously since successful adherence to and performance on budget, schedule, and project requirements will be used as review criteria for future proposal submissions. The expectations are also intended to ensure integrity of projects throughout their life cycle. This page contains useful information to assist PIs in managing their MTI-funded projects.

Principal Investigator's Handbook

Researchers who have been awarded funding through MTI should familiarize themselves with the Principal Investigator's Handbook. The purpose of this handbook is to provide MTI-sponsored Principal Investigators (PIs) with information and guidance to help manage their projects and understand grant expectations.

Access the handbook here (last updated December 19, 2023)

Template for report and research brief (last updated March 3, 2023)

Data Management Plan

To comply with federal public access requirements, all data associated with federally-funded research (e.g. surveys, datasets generated from the research, video recordings, image files, etc.) must be made available to the public in an open-access data repository. More details are available in MTI's Data Management Plan (.pdf)



Contact Us

SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: