- 408-924-7560
- mineta-institute@sjsu.edu
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The Mineta Transportation Institute directs several consortiums focused on key transportation-related research.
California faces significant challenges to improve mobility of people and goods and ensure the State’s transportation system is safe, efficient, accessible and convenient for all. The most effective way to develop solutions that can provide the order-of magnitude leap needed to realize our vision of convenient, accessible mobility for all people and goods in California is rigorous, applied research. The California State University Transportation Consortium (CSUTC), led by the Mineta Transportation Institute, fosters synergies the entire California State University system to conduct impactful transportation research and engage in workforce development initiatives that increase mobility of people and goods and strengthen California’s economy.
The Mineta Consortium for Emerging, Efficient, and Safe Transportation (MCEEST) conducts research to support data-driven decision-making in transportation planning and policy. By focusing on emerging technologies, system efficiency, and safety, MCEEST aims to improve the effectiveness of transportation investments and operations. The consortium brings together experts from multiple disciplines to analyze transportation systems, assess infrastructure needs, and develop strategies that enhance mobility and public safety. Through collaboration with policymakers, industry leaders, and researchers, MCEEST provides valuable insights to support informed transportation planning and implementation. MCEEST partners include: Howard University; Navajo Technical University; San José State University; and the University of South Florida.
SJSU Research Foundation 210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112 Phone: 408-924-7560 Email: mineta-institute@sjsu.edu