Research & Consulting Associates

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Research & Consulting Associates

Candidates who are interested in conducting MTI research studies must first undergo an in-depth certification process. Each candidate is required to submit a completed application with a résumé, and a sample of published research. The Research Associates Policy Oversight Committee (RAPOC), composed of the department heads or representatives of the SJSU academic departments with which MTI works most often, reviews the applications and recommends certification where appropriate. Certification is approved by the executive director and must be renewed every five years.

Research and Consulting Associate Certification

To apply for certification as a Research or Consulting Associate for the Mineta Transportation Institute, please complete the interactive application form. The form must be signed and accompanied by a current curriculum vitae or résumé, along with a sample of published research.

Please submit all materials electronically to Dr. Hilary Nixon, MTI Deputy Executive Director, at

Research Associate (RA) candidates are expected to have:

  1. Completed a Ph.D. in a field relevant to transportation policy research.
  2. Established a record of publication in the transportation policy field or a field with direct relevance to transportation policy research.
  3. Established a record of publications in peer-reviewed academic journals.

Consulting Associate (CA) candidates are expected to have:

  1. Completed a graduate degree in a field relevant to transportation policy research.
  2. Established a record of professional publication in the transportation policy field or a field with direct relevance to transportation policy research.

Research Associate Application Form (.pdf)

  • Interactive form may be completed, signed and submitted electronically from Adobe Acrobat (full version).
  • If Adobe Acrobat is unavailable, Adobe Reader can be used to complete and print the form, then sign, and submit by mail.
  • Must include curriculum vitae or résumé, and a copy of recent research from a juried or peer-reviewed publication.
  • Note: Signature required on all applications.

Research and Consulting Associate Bylaws (.doc)

  • Submission of an application constitutes acceptance of these bylaws.

Research Associates

  • Masoud Ghodrat Abadi
  • David Abraham
  • Bismark Agbelie
  • Asha Weinstein Agrawal
  • Reza Akhavian
  • Jochen Albrecht
  • Serena Alexander
  • Bruce Appleyard
  • Stephen Arhin
  • Scott Belcher
  • Robert L. Bertini
  • Nigel Blampied
  • Evelyn Blumenberg
  • Marlon Boarnet
  • Earl G. Bossard
  • David Boyajian
  • Andrea Broaddus
  • Anne Brown
  • Jeffrey Brown
  • Ralph Buehler
  • Bruce R. Butterworth
  • Maria Calahorra-Jimenez
  • Shailesh Chandra
  • Can Chen
  • Chun-Hung "Peter" Chen
  • Maria Chierichetti
  • Kunhee Choi
  • Adam Cohen
  • Eugene Cordero
  • David Czerwinski
  • Michelle DeRobertis
  • Gordon Douglas
  • Michael Duncan
  • Frances Edwards
  • Sam Elrahman
  • McNair Evans
  • Egbe-Etu Etu
  • Kevin Fang
  • Christopher Ferrell
  • Robert Fields
  • Ann Forsyth
  • Peter Furth
  • Peter Furth
  • Burford Furman
  • Mark Garrett
  • Vikash Gayah
  • Andrew Goetz
  • Daniel Goodrich
  • Eileen Goodwin
  • Zhan Guo
  • Matthew J. Holian
  • Gaojian Huang
  • Eric Ingbar
  • Hiroyuki Iseki
  • Piotr Jankowski
  • Brian Michael Jenkins
  • Michael Jones
  • Carol Kachadoorian
  • Changmo Kim
  • Richard Kos
  • Jaimee Lederman
  • Richard Lee
  • Scott Lefaver
  • Sherman Lewis
  • Hongrui Liu
  • Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris
  • Jiaqi Ma
  • Shishir Mathur
  • Mehran Mazari
  • Ralph McLaughin
  • Mohebbi Mehri
  • Maaza Mekuria
  • Marco Meniketti
  • Nikhil Menon
  • Adam Millard-Ball
  • Amir Molan
  • James Moore
  • Gail Murray
  • Dan Nathan-Roberts
  • Gregory Newmark
  • John Niles
  • Hilary Nixon
  • Robert (Bob) Noland
  • Anurag Pande
  • Taeho Park
  • Greg Placencia
  • Joseph Pogodzinski
  • Cristian Poliziani
  • Jae-Ho Pyeon
  • Sumita Raghuram
  • Laxmi Ramasubramanian
  • Bernd Resch
  • Kathrine Richardson
  • William Riggs
  • Charles Rivasplata
  • Caroline Rodier
  • Daniel Rodriguez
  • Kerry Rohrmeier
  • Joshua Schank
  • Marc Schlossberg
  • Gian-Claudia Sciara
  • Susan Shaheen
  • Patrick Sherry
  • Manish Shirgaokar
  • Shivani Shukla
  • Steven Silver
  • Annapurna Singh
  • Tyler Spence
  • Ruth Steiner
  • Walt Stringer
  • Selika Talbott
  • Shams Tanvir
  • Brian Taylor
  • Imokhai Tenebe
  • Brandon Thomas
  • Cristina Tortora
  • Sravani Vadlamani
  • Carole Voulgaris
  • Wenbin Wei
  • David Weinreich
  • Xiang (Jacob) Yan
  • Kezban Yagci Sokat
  • Bo Yang
  • Ahoura Zandiatashbar
  • Tadeh Zirakian
  • Bo Zou

Consulting Associates

  • Senanu Ashiabor
  • Michael Coplen
  • John Eells
  • Jodi Godfrey
  • Gary Hsueh
  • David McFeely
  • Paul Minett
  • Andrew Nash
  • Steven Silkunas
  • Kelly Snider
  • Jacob Wasserman
  • Ed Watt



Contact Us

SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: