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MTI research publications are available to download. All publications are listed below. To sort by topic area, select the specific topic from the dropdown menu below.

Title Date Author
Public Bikesharing in North America During a Period of Rapid Expansion: Understanding Business Models, Industry Trends, and User Impacts October 2014 Shaheen, Martin, Chan, Cohen & Pogodzinski
Automated Transit Networks (ATN): A Review of the State of the Industry and Prospects for the Future September 2014 Furman, Fabian, Ellis, Muller & Swenson
What Do Americans Think About Federal Tax Options to Support Public Transit, Highways, and Local Streets and Roads? Results from Year Five of a National Survey June 2014 Agrawal & Nixon
Modal Shift and High-Speed Rail: A Review of the Current Literature June 2014 Haas
The Breach of Security at San Jose’s Airport Raises Broader Issues May 2014 Jenkins & Butterworth
Building Consensus and Partnerships for Implementing the MAP-21 Section 5310 Program in California April 2014 Ferrell & Appleyard
A Terrorism Analysis of the April 14, 2014, Bus Terminal Bombing in Abuja, Nigeria April 2014 Jenkins & Butterworth
Active Travel Co-Benefits of Travel Demand Management Policies that Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions April 2014 Rodier, Lee, Haydu & Linesch
The Terrorist Attack in Kunming, China: Does It Indicate a Growing Threat Worldwide? March 2014 Jenkins & Butterworth
Mineta Transportation Institute Says Subways Are Still in Terrorists’ Sights March 2014 Jenkins & Butterworth
Transportation Futures: Policy Scenarios for Achieving Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets March 2014 Kay, Noland & Rodier
Exercise Handbook: What Transportation Security and Emergency Preparedness Leaders Need to Know to Improve Emergency Preparedness February 2014 Edwards & Goodrich
Perceptions of Bicycle-Friendly Policy Impacts on Accessibility to Transit Services: The First and Last Mile Bridge January 2014 Flamm & Rivasplata
By the Numbers: Russia’s Terrorists Increasingly Target Transportation January 2014 Jenkins & Butterworth
Podcar City Washington November 2013
Thirteenth Annual Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Symposium October 2013
Assessing Importance and Satisfaction Judgments of Intermodal Work Commuters with Electronic Survey Methodology September 2013 Silver
Measuring the Performance of Livability Programs July 2013 Haas & Fabish
California Voting and Suburbanization Patterns: Implications for Transit Policy July 2013 Holian & Kahn
What do Americans Think About Federal Tax Options to Support Public Transit, Highways, and Local Streets and Roads? Results from Year Four of a National Survey June 2013 Agrawal & Nixon




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