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MTI research publications are available to download. All publications are listed below. To sort by topic area, select the specific topic from the dropdown menu below.

Title Date Author
Securing the Emerging Technologies of Autonomous and Connected Vehicles April 2020 Tayeb & Pirouz
Evaluating Crowdsourcing as a VMT Reduction Tool to Support Smart Cities Initiatives April 2020 Chandra, Vyas & Mazin
Critical Issues in Trucking Workforce Development April 2020 O'Brien, Reeb, Matsumoto & Sanchez
Local Government Policy and Planning for Unmanned Aerial Systems April 2020 Spence, Favaro & Yeung
Evaluation of Coordinated Ramp Metering (CRM) Implemented by Caltrans April 2020 Molan, Murugesan, Shams, Tortora, Rahman, Loh & Pande
Developing a Computer Vision-Based Decision Support System for Intersection Safety Monitoring and Assessment of Vulnerable Road Users March 2020 Jahangiri, Katthe, Sohrabi, Liu, Pulagam, Balali & Machiani
Development of a Quality Control Method and Guidelines for Hot Mix Asphalt Using Recycled Concrete Aggregate March 2020 Li, Cheng, Zhang, Jakhar & Pericherla
Crime and Harassment on Public Transportation: A Survey of SJSU Students Set in International Context March 2020 Agrawal, Loukaitou-Sideris, Tortora & Hu
A Smart Growth & Equity Framework and Tool for Measuring, Understanding, and Realizing Transportation Land Use Coordination for Sustainability, Livability, and Equity February 2020 Appleyard, Allen & Stanton
Reducing NOx Emissions of Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE) with Humid Air Systems February 2020 Rahai & Bonifacio
A New Materials and Design Approach for Roads, Bridges, Pavement, and Concrete February 2020 Fuchs, Acharya, Cabrales, Bergkamp & Michieka
The Potential for Autonomous Vehicle Technologies to Address Barriers to Driving for Individuals with Autism February 2020 Rodier
Harmonizing Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Transportation and Land-Use Planning in California Cities February 2020 Alexander, Agrawal, Hooper & Boswell
Transportation, Terrorism and Crime: Deterrence, Disruption and Resilience January 2020 Goodrich & Edwards
Impact of Smart Phones’ Interaction Modality on Driving Performance for Conventional and Autonomous Vehicles January 2020 Favaro
The Potential for Using Loyalty Rewards and Incentives Programs to Encourage Transit Ridership and Regional Transportation and Land Use Integration December 2019 Ferrell
Green Up Pavement Rehabilitation Design Tool December 2019 Andrei, Kochan & Perez
Automated Measurement of Heavy Equipment Greenhouse Gas Emission: The Case of Road/Bridge Construction and Maintenance December 2019 Akhavian
Design of a Feedback-Controlled Wireless Converter for Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging Applications December 2019 Badawy
Manual for Slurry Surfacing December 2019 Lane, Cheng & Hicks




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