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MTI research publications are available to download. All publications are listed below. To sort by topic area, select the specific topic from the dropdown menu below.

Title Date Author
Investing in California’s Transportation Future: Public Opinion on Critical Needs December 2020 Agrawal, Nixon & Simons
Development of a Statistical Model to Predict Materials’ Unit Prices for Future Maintenance and Rehabilitation in Highway Life Cycle Cost Analysis December 2020 Kim, Khan, Nguyen & Hoang
Toward a Guide for Smart Mobility Corridors: Frameworks and Tools for Measuring, Understanding, and Realizing Transportation Land Use Coordination December 2020 Appleyard, Stanton & Allen
The Impact of the COVID-19 Recovery on California Transportation Revenue: A Scenario Analysis through 2040 December 2020 Agrawal, King, Wachs & Marks
The Mismeasurement of Mobility for Walkable Neighborhoods November 2020 Lewis, Grande & Robinson
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Novel Access Modes: A Case Study in the San Francisco Bay Area November 2020 Rodier, Broaddus, Jaller, Song, Bischoff, Zhang & Pourrahmani
Considerations for Social Distancing on Public Transportation During the COVID-19 Recovery November 2020 Cohen
Manual for Thin Asphalt Overlays October 2020 Lane, Hicks, Cheng & Updyke
Impact of Regular and Narrow AV-Exclusive Lanes on Manual Driver Behavior October 2020 Machiani, Sohrabi & Jahangiri
MTI Mileage Fee Research and Information Directory (MFRID) October 2020 Agrawal
COVID-19’s Potential Impact on Cities: Five Trends and Indicators to Watch October 2020 Cohen
Southern California Regional Workforce Development Needs Assessment for the Transportation and Supply Chain Industry Sectors October 2020 O’Brien, Matsumoto, Sanchez, Mace, Warren, Hala & Reeb
Metal Against Marchers: An Analysis of Recent Incidents Involving Vehicle Assaults at U.S. Political Protests and Rallies October 2020 Jenkins & Butterworth
A Policy Framework for the Future of Automated Mobility: The Need for Local Government Policy October 2020 Riggs
Promoting Transit-Oriented Developments by Addressing Barriers Related to Land Use, Zoning, and Value Capture October 2020 Mathur & Gatdula
Freight Demand Model for Southern California Freeways with Owner–Operator Truck Drivers October 2020 Kim, Dominguez & Diaz
Public Equity to Match Private Investment in Infrastructure October 2020 Hedlund
Altamont Pass Commuter Study: A Longitudinal Analysis of Perceptions and Behavior Change September 2020 Panagopoulos, Soydemirc & Xu
Characteristics of Effective Metropolitan Areawide Public Transit: A Comparison of European, Canadian, and Australian Case Studies September 2020 DeRobertis, Ferrell, Lee & Eells
Automatic Traffic Monitoring and Management for Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Using Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence September 2020 Pourhomayoun




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