Press Releases

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MTI notifies the news media of all important developments for the institute.

Date Title
10/30/2019 Podcar City 2019 Arrives in San Jose
10/22/2019 Carbon Conscious App Sets Out to Reduce California’s GHGs
10/15/2019 From White Lines to Green Lanes, How does Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) Compare Against a Ride Feedback App?
09/26/2019 A Look Back, a Look Forward: Lessons Applied 30 Years After Loma Prieta
08/21/2019 What Happens When Autonomous Vehicle Technology Fails?
07/25/2019 How Will Five Million Zero-Emission Vehicles Impact California’s Transportation Revenue?
07/10/2019 The People Behind the Wheel
06/21/2019 Support for Raising the Federal Gas Tax Has Risen Steadily Since 2010
05/29/2019 Should the Rising Value of Homes near Transit Stations Fund Public Transit Projects? The Impact of Warm Springs BART Station on the Value of Neighboring Residential Properties in Fremont
05/23/2019 Where Do I Ride This Thing? “Rules of the Road” for Personal Transportation Devices (PTD)
04/23/2019 Rooting for Safe Routes to Schools
04/18/2019 Making the Right Moves to Reduce GHGs
03/05/2019 Terrorist Stabbing Attacks on Surface Transportation, A Rising Trend?
02/18/2019 AVs Have Arrived, So What's a Transit Agency to Do?
02/13/2019 Measuring Transportation’s Impacts Under California’s SB743 Law
02/11/2019 Attracting and Retaining Women in the Transportation Industry
02/07/2019 Keepin' It Moving — Transportation for the Aging Population
12/12/2018 Are You Saying Something When You See Something?
11/26/2018 Next Stop—Body Aches and Pains
11/19/2018 The Streetcar Comeback and Its Development Effects



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SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: