Press Releases

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MTI notifies the news media of all important developments for the institute.

Date Title
05/31/2016 Transit is a Terrorist Target
05/16/2016 MTI Finds New Patterns in Transit Use and Access Among Low-Income Latino Immigrants
05/02/2016 MTI Researchers Assess Transit Performance Measures in California
04/25/2016 Hundreds to convene in Mountain View to help Silicon Valley “Get Moving” for health, affordability
04/04/2016 Preventing Rail Suicides: Communities and Transit Organizations Come Together
03/15/2016 Is a 16­-Mile HSR Tunnel Connecting Palmdale to Burbank Possible?
03/10/2016 MTI Trustee and Executive Director to be Honored as “Women Who Move the Nation” at COMTO Awards Breakfast
03/07/2016 Is bikesharing more dangerous than regular bicycling?
02/18/2016 City’s inaugural “open streets” event earns high marks from participants, independent survey finds
01/19/2016 What are the possible impacts of high-speed rail service on equestrian areas?
01/07/2016 US Secretary of Transportation (ret) Norman Mineta to receive lifetime achievement award in Washington DC on January 9
11/09/2015 Which costs more for drivers–a fuel tax or a road user charge?
10/26/2015 International Podcar City Conference Returns to Silicon Valley
10/20/2015 Dynamic ridesharing services can make a big environmental impact
09/30/2015 How does access to cars or transit influence one's economic outcomes?
09/08/2015 How does neighborhood crime influence the way we access transit?
08/26/2015 The High-Speed Rail Attack in France
08/04/2015 Mineta Report Summarizes 56 US Public Opinion Polls about Transit
07/28/2015 How to Have Intermodal Connectivity at US High-Speed Rail Stations
07/07/2015 Mineta Report: Benefit-Cost Ratios of US Transit Systems Are Compiled and Evaluated



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