Press Releases

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MTI notifies the news media of all important developments for the institute.

Date Title
03/07/2017 Transportation and the Triple-Bottom Line Conference promotes sustainable transportation
03/01/2017 Protecting transit and passenger rail from terrorism
03/01/2017 MTI receives Community Partnership Recognition award from VTA
02/08/2017 Good station-area planning is critical for the successful operation of a high-speed rail station
12/07/2016 Mineta Transportation Institute secures $10.5 million for transportation research, education, workforce development and technology transfer programs
12/06/2016 San Jose’s “open streets” event succeeds at getting people out to bike and walk, independent study finds
11/30/2016 How Can Transit Agencies ‘Do More with Less’?
11/14/2016 Safeguarding Our Most Valuable Asset – The Public Transportation Workforce
10/24/2016 Solutions to Improve Battery Safety in Heavy Vehicles
10/19/2016 What is the current state of the bus manufacturing industry in the US?
10/12/2016 Does Living Near Transit Increase Social Capital?
09/19/2016 International Podcar City Conference comes to Antwerp, Belgium
09/12/2016 Solutions for Electric Vehicle Batteries at End-of-Life
09/07/2016 Park-and-Ride Increases Bus Transit Efficiency
08/31/2016 Transportation Agencies Prepare for Attack or Disaster
08/24/2016 Biodiesel from the Right Sources Can Burn More Cleanly than Regular Diesel
08/15/2016 Improving Pathways to Transit for People with Disabilities
08/03/2016 MTI Researches New Directions for Caltrans Modeling
06/28/2016 Survey: Americans support higher gas taxes, spending revenue on public transit
06/13/2016 Soft Targets are Especially Attractive to Terrorists Seeking High Body Counts



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SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: