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MTI research publications are available to download. All publications are listed below. To sort by topic area, select the specific topic from the dropdown menu below.

Title Date Author
Lessons Learned: A Conference on Transit Referenda and Why They Succeed or Fail November 2001
Implementation of Zurich’s Transit Priority Program October 2001 Nash & Sylvia
Effects of Online Shopping on Vehicular Traffic October 2001 Giglierano & Roldan
Factors Influencing Voting Results of Local Transportation Funding Initiatives with a Substantial Rail Transit Component: Case Studies of Ballot in Eleven Communities October 2001 Werbel & Haas
National Transportation Security Summit Washington , D.C. October 2001 MTI Staff
Protecting Public Surface Transportation Against Terrorism and Serious Crime: Continuing Research on Best Security Practices October 2001 Jenkins & Gersten
Terrorism Overview October 2001 Jenkins
Using Fiber Networks to Stimulate Transit-Oriented Development: Prospects Barrier and Best Practices October 2001 Siembab, Graham & Roldan
Applying an Integrated Model to the Evaluation of Travel Demand Management Policies in the Sacramento Region September 2001 Johnston, Rodier, Abraham, Hunt & Tonkin
Transit Labor Relations Guide September 2001 Oestreich & Whaley
Construction of Transit-Based Developments: New Policy Initiatives for Governments September 2001 Lefaver, Buys, Castillo, Mattoon & Vargo
How to Best Serve Seniors on Existing Transit Services September 2001 Koffman & Salstrom
Applying an Integrated Urban Model in the Evaluation of Travel Demand Management Policies in the Sacramento Region: Year Two September 2001 Johnston, Rodier, Abraham & Hunt
GIS for Livable Communities: Examination of community Perceptions of Assets, Liabilities and Transportation Improvements September 2001 Horan, Serrano & Murran
Best Practices in Developing Regional Transportation Plans September 2001 Rothblatt & Colman
(NAFTA II) California Border Zone Land Transportation Issues September 2001 Gray & Kelley
A Planning Template for Nonwork Travel and Transit Oriented Development September 2001 Nelson, Niles & Hibshoosh
Non-Pricing Methods to Optimize High Occupancy Vehicle Lane Usage September 2001 Gray, Harvey & Kelley
Statewide Safety Study of Bicycles and Pedestrians on Freeways, Expressway, Toll Bridges, and Tunnels September 2001 Ferrara
First National Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Symposium May 2001




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