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MTI research publications are available to download. All publications are listed below. To sort by topic area, select the specific topic from the dropdown menu below.

Title Date Author
Best Practices in Developing Regional Transportation Plans September 2001 Rothblatt & Colman
A Planning Template for Nonwork Travel and Transit Oriented Development September 2001 Nelson, Niles & Hibshoosh
Transit Labor Relations Guide September 2001 Oestreich & Whaley
Statewide Safety Study of Bicycles and Pedestrians on Freeways, Expressway, Toll Bridges, and Tunnels September 2001 Ferrara
First National Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Symposium May 2001
BART to Silicon Valley, How Now? April 2001
2025 Visioning Session Silicon Valley March 2000
Analysis of Policy Issues Relating to Public Investment in Private Freight Infrastructure December 1999 Evans & Kelley
Impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement on Transportation in the Border Areas of the United States August 1999 Gray
Crossing the Bay Water Transit Initiative Forum July 1999
Maintenance and Continued Development of the IISTPS Transportation Information System, TransWeb January 1999 Belanger & Kwan
Our Transportation Crisis: Who Will Pay? November 1998
Driving into the 21st Century: Technology Solutions to Transportation Problems November 1998
Protecting Surface Transportation Systems and Patrons from Terrorist Activities December 1997 Jenkins
Public Land with Private Partnerships for Transit Based Development May 1997 Lefaver
Issues Related to the Emergence of the Information Superhighway and California Societal Changes December 1996 Botha
Terrorism in Surface Transportation: A Symposium March 1996 MTI Staff




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