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MTI research publications are available to download. All publications are listed below. To sort by topic area, select the specific topic from the dropdown menu below.

Title Date Author
Misconduct on Public Transit: An Exploratory Analysis Using the Comments Formerly Known as Tweets November 2023 Etu Etu, Agrawal, Tenebe, Larot & Nguyen
AI-Based Bridge and Road Inspection Framework Using Drones November 2023 Kulhandjian
The Use of Explosive Devices in Attacks on Public Surface Transportation: Trends in Frequency, Lethality, and Prevention November 2023 Jenkins, Butterworth & Yagyu
2023 Mineta Summer Transportation Institute at San José State University November 2023 Weinardy
What Do Americans Think About Federal Tax Options to Support Transportation? Results from Year Fourteen of a National Survey November 2023 Agrawal, Nixon & Azevedo
A Guide to Navigating Existing and Emerging Sources of Local VMT and Travel Data November 2023 Baek & Kim
Pay-As-You-Go Driving: Examining Possible Road-User Charge Rate Structures for California November 2023 Agrawal, Speroni, Manville & Taylor
Virus Control Aboard a Commuter Bus October 2023 Rahai & Bonifacio
Metropolitan Transportation Commission Discretionary Transit Funding Methods Evaluation October 2023 Ferrell, Eells, Reinke & Lee
The Economic and Environmental Potential of High-Speed Rail October 2023 Mineta Transportation Institute
A Bike System for All Silicon Valley: Equity Assessment of Bike Infrastructure in San José, CA October 2023 Zandiatashbar, Albrecht & Nixon
Sensitivity Analysis of the IDEAL CT Test Using the Distinct Element Method September 2023 Saadeh & Asmar
Domestic Migrations, Train Travel in the United States 2012-2022 September 2023 Evans
Defining and Measuring Equity in Public Transportation September 2023 Ferrell, Reinke, Eells & Schroeder
Equity in Learning Opportunities for Middle School Students: Connecting Communities and Transportation Through GIS September 2023 O’Brien & Olson
System-of-Systems Integration for Civil Infrastructures Resiliency Toward Multi-Hazard Events September 2023 Balali
Fixing Our Broken Transit Planning Process August 2023 Schank & Huang
Fiber-Based Seismic Damage and Collapse Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Single-Column Pier-Supported Bridges Using Damage Indices August 2023 Ko & Gonzalez
Evolving Patterns of Violence in Developing Countries August 2023 Jenkins, Butterworth, Yagyu
Recognizing the Potential to Reduce GHG Emissions Through Air Transportation Electrification July 2023 Roa, Oldham & Lima




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