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Addressing the issue of potholes is a primary concern for maintaining urban infrastructure. The research team has developed a prototype pothole management program. The program includes a mobile application and two machine learning models. The mobile app enables users to upload images of potholes, report relevant information, and provide driving directions to the pothole location. With the help of this application, the user can seamlessly capture images of the potholes, record pertinent information, and submit the data for necessary action. The mobile application is an essential tool in the Pothole Management Program (PMP), as it enhances the program's efficiency, effectiveness, and user experience. The program utilizes two machine learning models. The first model, Visual Geometry Group (VGG16), uses deep learning neural network technology to classify potholes with over 90% accuracy. The second machine learning model, You Only Look Once (YOLO), has been designed to detect and accurately mark potholes on submitted photos. Overall, this innovative pothole management program offers a comprehensive solution to help address the critical issue of potholes in urban areas.
Visit the Apple Store to download the iPhone App for Pothole Management.
Dr. DingXin (Ding) Cheng is a professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, California State University, Chico, Director of the California Pavement Preservation (CP2) Center, and the Director of the Tire Derived Aggregate Technology Center. He has worked actively with the CP2 Center since he joined CSU Chico in 2006. He obtained his Ph.D. in pavement materials and transportation from Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas in 2002. He worked for Parsons Brinckerhoff in Houston, TX before joining CSU Chico. He has extensive experience in HMA materials and pavement preservation on both asphalt and concrete pavements. He has more than 55 peer-reviewed publications related to pavement materials and preservation for TRB, AAPT, ASCE, and other conferences. Ding has co-managed or managed more than $10 million in research projects funded by Caltrans, California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), and other agencies and industries. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas.
SJSU Research Foundation 210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112 Phone: 408-924-7560 Email: mineta-institute@sjsu.edu