- 408-924-7560
- mineta-institute@sjsu.edu
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The Mineta Consortium for Transportation Mobility organizes or participates in several transportation-related events each year. These include national summits, regional forums, industry conferences, or special events and broadcasts. You can find leading transportation experts at all of these events, making them an excellent resource not only for professional and research insights, but also for networking.
Dates | Events |
June 21, 2019![]() |
The Intersection between Transportation and Housing: Building Blocks to the Future - San Francisco, CA While the San Francisco Bay Area is booming with jobs and (for many) high wages, people are increasingly priced out of the housing market. The region risks losing people to fill jobs that are essential to California’s economy. A variety of taxes, grants, fees and other public revenue sources can help fund affordable housing. Moreover, an innovative solution is to involve public transportation agencies. To that end, agency-owned land in and around transportation hubs could be incentivized to create transit-oriented development projects, which place high-density housing above or adjacent to transit centers. This provides easy mobility while offering less-costly living space.
These and other innovations were discussed at the 10th Annual Norman Y. Mineta National Transportation Policy Summit, a free, half-day event hosted by the Mineta Transportation Institute at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco.
View recording.View images. |
June 19, 2019![]() |
Prospect Silicon Valley’s Innovation and Impact Symposium 2019 - San Leandro, CA Prospect Silicon Valley’s Innovation and Impact Symposium focused on emerging technologies in advanced mobility, energy and the built environment. This year’s event highlighted the accomplishments and progress surrounding innovation, specifically the impact of transforming California with clean technology. The region’s leaders from the startup, corporate, public and research communities gathered to examine what it takes to integrate and implement solutions for maximum impact. |
May 21, 2019![]() |
MTI Research Snaps Webinar: "Legal Regulation of Bikes, E-bikes, and Scooters" A Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) report explores the “rules of the road” around the use of emerging “personal transportation devices.” Also known as “micromobility,” the number and use of these devices has exploded in recent years, highlighted by the arrival of electric scooters in cities over the past couple of years. The report explores to the degree states, cities, and college campuses are or are not regulating these new devices. This webinar with the authors reviews their findings and discussed recommendations from their recent report. Speakers Kevin Fang, Assistant Professor, Sonoma State University Kevin is an Assistant Professor of Geography, Environment, and Planning at Sonoma State University and a Research Associate at the Mineta Transportation Center. His research centers on sustainable transportation alternatives, including recent work on skateboarding for transportation and cycling, and current work on emerging “micromobility” modes of travel. In particular, Kevin is interested in the characteristics and behavior of alternative modes and their users, as well as to the degree land use enables or precludes their use. Asha Weinstein Agrawal, Professor, San Jose State University Asha Weinstein Agrawal works at San José State University, where she is Director of the Mineta Transportation Institute’s National Transportation Finance Center and MTI’s Education Director, as well as a Professor of Urban and Regional Planning. Her research agenda is guided by a commitment to the principles of sustainability and equity: what planning and policy tools can communities adopt to encourage environmentally-friendly travel and improve accessibility for people struggling with poverty or other disadvantages? She has explored this question most deeply through two substantive areas – transportation finance policy and the travel behavior of pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders. (More info, including publications, is here.) Presenters: Asha W. Agrawal, PhD, Brianne Eby, and Kevin Fang |
May 17, 2019![]() |
2019 Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Competition Garrett Augustus Morgan (1877-1963) was one of seven children born in Kentucky to former slaves. After enduring the challenges of farming in the South and having to quit school to earn a living at the age of 14, he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. While working as a handyman in Ohio, Morgan hired a tutor to continue his education, influencing him to open his own business as a clothing manufacturer and start a successful newspaper. Garrett Morgan's innovative drive led him to obtain many patents, but one of his most prominent inventions, the three-way traffic signal, was designed to make roads safer for everyone, but especially pedestrians. It is not only for his inventions, but for his innovative spirit and determination for continued education in the face of adversity that MTI is proud to honor this trailblazer through the Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Competition. This year From the Heart Christian School, Juan Crespi Middle School, Toddy Thomas Middle School, MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School, California Montessori Project- Capitol Campus, Sutter Middle School, Hazelton Middle School, and Crownpoint Middle School schools registered to compete. This year's winners demonstrated that the future is in good hands with California Montessori taking first place and MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate and Sutter Middle School took 2nd and 3rd respectively. |
May 16, 2019![]() |
MTI Visiting Scholar Series presents: Dr. Sandra Rosenbloom in "Changing Spatial Patterns of Aging: Mobility and Access Implications" - San José, CA Over 75% of US seniors currently live in suburban and rural areas, living patterns that have only intensified over the past 40 years, in spite of occasional press reports to the contrary. Over 90% of those seniors are active drivers well into their 80’s; they have fashioned their lives around the flexibility and access offered by a car even as their transit use has dropped precipitously--travel patterns all but dictated by the places in which they live. Yet seniors walk for an increasing percent of all trips as they age. Sandra Rosenbloom argues that we have to keep older drivers in their cars as long as safely possible and retrofit the suburban communities in which older people are aging-in-place to provide meaningful transportation and housing options to those who can’t or don’t continue to drive. |
May 16, 2019 to May 19, 2019![]() |
2019 ICTPA 32nd Annual ConferenceDescriptionThe International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association (ICTPA) hosted its 32nd Annual Conference May 16-19, 2019, in San Jose, California, the heart of Silicon Valley, known worldwide for consumer and transportation technology development. ICTPA’s conference is recognized as the leading U.S.-to-Asia platform for information exchange, networking opportunities and business development. It is the top venue to present new findings and learn about the latest technical information in transportation. Detailed conference information is at: http://www.ictpa.org Conference TopicsIn keeping with the Silicon Valley location, this year’s conference theme is “Innovation in Transportation" with the following topics: Conference ScheduleDay 1: Technical Tour (1-5 pm) and Dinner, May 16, 2019 |
April 30, 2019 to May 2, 2019![]() |
West Coast Rail Conference 2019 - Los Angeles, CA With recent changes made to California's high-speed rail plan and concerns over future projects, USHSR brought leading professionals, industry leaders, and government officials to Los Angeles for the West Coast Rails Conference. Location: The conference takes place at MTA Headquarters - One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, 90012. |
April 27, 2019![]() |
San Jose State’s Urban Planning Coalition presents: "Personal Transportation Devices: Present and Future" San Jose State’s Urban Planning Coalition presented their 2019 annual spring symposium. This year’s topic focused on personal transportation devices (PTDs). |
April 25, 2019![]() |
"How Your Apps are Opening You Up to Cyberattacks" a lunch and learn with Ash Padwal, Chief Risk Officer of Allied Telesis - San José, CA |
April 2, 2019 to April 7, 2019![]() |
ABC's of Bike Safety Maintenance - San José, CA In partnership with California's Community Cycles, elementary school sudents were taught the basics of bike mechanics and repair.
March 16, 2019![]() |
Grant Writing with James Griffith of the Governor's Office of Emergency Services - San Jose State University: Clark 202 MPAs and MSTMs joined us as James Griffith, MPA of the Governor's Office of Emergency Services taught a Grant Writing Workshop for the MPA program. Admission was free for MPA and MSTM students at San Jose State University. Attendees who completed the day received a certificate of attendance for 4 contact hours of instruction for their training record provided by the Mineta Tranportation Institute, where James is a Research Assistant. |
February 2, 2019![]() |
Santa Clara County Women's Leadership Policy Summit - San José, CA "A gathering of women and allies for a day of education, engagement and empowerment." Session 1 Panels:
Session 2 Panels:
January 13, 2019 to January 17, 2019![]() |
98th Transportation Research Board Meeting - Washington, DCTransportation for a Smart, Sustainable, and Equitable Future.Research Associates with the Mineta Transportation Institute presented at this annual conference at the Washington Convention Center. The meeting program covered all transportation modes, with more than 5,000 presentations in nearly 800 sessions and workshops, addressing topics of interest to policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions. A number of sessions and workshops focused on the spotlight theme for the 2019 meeting: Transportation for a Smart, Sustainable, and Equitable Future. |
January 12, 2019![]() |
MTI Board of Trustees Meeting - Washington, DC Led by Chair Grace Crunican, General Manager of Bay Area Rapit Transit (BART), the board held its Winter meeting to discuss the success of the previous year and desired growth for the next. |
December 13, 2018![]() |
VivaCalleSJ: Showcase of Student Learning - San José, CA SJSU students, faculty, and San José Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services (PRNS) gathered to illustrate how data collected from the assessent of VivaCalleSJ 2018 is being used to provide new insights into the evaluation content and process. The data demonstrated how City and University collaboration helped build community and social capital in San José as well as enhanced student learning. |
November 7, 2018![]() |
MTI's Sips with Scholars presents: Dr. Richard Willson - San José, CA With access to affordable housing of critical concern for the Bay Area, Dr. richard Wilson posed the question of how parking reform plays a role in that crisis. Check out the presentation slides.
November 7, 2018![]() |
MTI Visiting Scholar Presents: Dr. Richard Willson - San José, CA This workshop was a participant driven, interactive opportunity to launch a planning and/or engineering career.Through the concepts of A Guide to the Idealist: Launching Your Planning Career, participants idnetified their strengths and weakensses, their desired career plan, and how to work effectively in a team environment. Check out Dr. Willson's career workshop presentation.
October 24, 2018![]() |
MTI Visiting Scholar Presents: Dr. Martin Wachs - San José, CA For more than a hundred years Californians have weighed in on transportation policy decisions, especially transportation funding through the electoral process. Reliance for transportation revenue on citizen voting to tax themselves has recently peaked and other states are emulating the way we do things.The talk described research finding on the outcomes and implications of ballot box transportation funding and policymaking in California. Missed it? We've got the video here for you!Need a closer look?Check out Dr. Wach's PPT presentation here.Presenters: Martin Wachs, PhD |
October 18, 2018 to October 19, 2018![]() |
PedsCount! 2018 - San José, CA MTI had the pleasure of collaborating with the pedestrian advocacy groups California Walks and Walk San Jose for PedsCount! 2018. This pedestrian summit focused on holistic discussion on how to create more just and equitable communities and how to incorporate new and emerging transportation technologies. Among the topics discussed were the housing crisis, gentrification and anti-displacement, climate change, and aging in place. Major takeaways for attendees included tools, research, and strategies for empowerment and successful community-driven change. |
October 15, 2018![]() |
Second Autonomous Vehicles and the City - San Francisco, CA How will smart mobility impact our cities? What kind of policy do we need to ensure sustainability and resilience? On October 15, 2018 the University of San Francisco hosted its second annual symposium focusing on the many ways that technology and innovation is reshaping how we move through our cities. AGENDA |
SJSU Research Foundation 210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112 Phone: 408-924-7560 Email: mineta-institute@sjsu.edu