- 408-924-7560
- mineta-institute@sjsu.edu
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The International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association (ICTPA) is proud to announce its 32nd Annual Conference to be held May 16-19, 2019, in San Jose, California, the heart of Silicon Valley, known worldwide for consumer and transportation technology development. ICTPA’s conference is recognized as the leading U.S.-to-Asia platform for information exchange, networking opportunities and business development. It is the top venue to present new findings and learn about the latest technical information in transportation. Detailed conference information is at: http://www.ictpa.org
In keeping with the Silicon Valley location, this year’s conference theme is “Innovation in Transportation.” ICTPA welcomes papers and presentations demonstrating innovation in any of the following topics:
(1) Transportation Planning and System Development: including but not limited to modeling, simulation, policy, pilots, impacts of MaaS, AV, CV, micr.mobility, etc.
(2) Transportation Infrastructure: including but not limited to infrastructure design, complete streets/active transportation, V2X, SPaT, fleet electrification, EV charging, etc.
(3) Transportation System Operations & Maintenance: including but not limited to ridehailing, integrated fare payment, traffic safety, vulnerable road users, ADAS, microtransit, etc.
(4) Other Related Transportation Topics
Day 1: Technical Tour (1-5 pm) and Dinner, May 16, 2019
Day 2: Opening Ceremony and Whole Day Conference (8:30 am-5 pm) and Dinner, May 17, 2019
Day 3: Whole Day Conference (8:30 am-3 pm) and ICTPA Board Meeting, May 18, 2019
Day 4: Post-Conference Visit, Optional, May 19, 2019
SJSU Research Foundation 210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112 Phone: 408-924-7560 Email: mineta-institute@sjsu.edu