- 408-924-7560
- mineta-institute@sjsu.edu
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MTI’s expertise in surface transportation topics has brought the organization a great deal of media coverage. This list represents a sample that includes print and broadcast stories.
Date | Title | Media Outlet |
03/23/2009 | Survey respondents favor HSR over air travel | San Francisco Examiner |
03/23/2009 | Bay Area Roads May Get $1.5B from Feds | Albuquerque Business Journal |
03/16/2009 | Crime Not an Obstacle to Transit in San Francisco | San Francisco Examiner |
03/13/2009 | HSR board member explains loan | KLIV Radio |
03/13/2009 | HSR Seeks State Loan | Business Journal |
03/12/2009 | Agencies must unite for HSR funds | San Francisco Examiner |
03/12/2009 | Diridon quoted in HSR article | Metro |
03/11/2009 | MTI releases report on public transit use and crime rates | Digital50 |
03/11/2009 | MTI releases report on public transit use and crime rates | Forbes |
03/10/2009 | MTI: Where crime is high, people use less transit | All Business |
03/10/2009 | Crime Not an Obstacle to Transit in San Francisco | Reuters |
03/04/2009 | Diridon addresses local HSR issues | Mass Transit |
03/02/2009 | Wi-Drive proposes service; Diridon not so sure | San Francisco Chronicle |
02/25/2009 | Ignoring rail put US on the wrong track | Int’l Herald Tribune |
02/22/2009 | Diridon interviewed about high-speed rail | CBS News |
02/18/2009 | Roadshow: Do public officials use alternative transport? | San Jose Mercury News |
02/17/2009 | Transportation Leaders Walk the Talk | San Jose Mercury News |
02/13/2009 | California Schools Compete in Garrett Morgan Program | Construction Equipment Guide |
02/12/2009 | Strengthening the Safety of Our Mass Transit System | Project Disaster |
01/26/2009 | Carpool buy-in could be tough sell | Media News Group |
01/25/2009 | Diridon addresses the need for speed at HSR conference | The Lyme Times |
01/23/2009 | Diridon is special speaker at New London transportation meeting | Thames River Times |
01/23/2009 | Diridon addresses carpool lane issue | San Jose Mercury News |
01/21/2009 | Diridon sees hope in stimulus package | SF Bay Guardian |
01/06/2009 | Summary of speakers at New London transportation meeting | This New England |
SJSU Research Foundation 210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112 Phone: 408-924-7560 Email: mineta-institute@sjsu.edu