Media Coverage

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MTI’s expertise in surface transportation topics has brought the organization a great deal of media coverage. This list represents a sample that includes print and broadcast stories.

Date Title Media Outlet
09/23/2009 Training under NRTI begins New Kerala
09/14/2009 MTI publishes report on attracting students to transportation careers CNBC
09/14/2009 MTI publishes report on attracting students to transportation careers Sacramento Bee
08/27/2009 MTI studies role of transportation in campus emergencies Wall Street Select
08/27/2009 MTI studies role of transportation in campus emergencies Forbes
08/24/2009 SJSU professors study lane conversion on BRT and light rail systems Buffalo News
08/24/2009 SJSU professors study lane conversion on BRT and light rail systems CBS-2 Chicago
08/24/2009 SJSU professors study lane conversion on BRT and light rail systems Minneapolis-St Paul Star Tribune
08/19/2009 MTI alumnus joins LA water board BizWire
08/07/2009 The drive for faster trains The Week
08/05/2009 MTI publishes study on publicv vs private mobility for poor people San Jose Mercury News
08/05/2009 MTI publishes study on publicv vs private mobility for poor people CBS Money Watch
08/05/2009 MTI publishes report on public vs.private transportation for welfare recipients Earth Times
06/19/2009 Investigation into Muni crash CBS News
04/19/2009 MTI releases report on land use around airports Airport Business
04/16/2009 Bay Area group meets with President about HSR IBA Buzz
04/09/2009 MTI releases report on land use around airports Direkt Broker (Germany)
04/09/2009 MTI releases report on land use around airports Street Insider
04/09/2009 MTI releases report on land use around airports Yahoo! Finance
04/08/2009 Will HSR work in the US? The Economist
04/07/2009 HSR opens the way for intermodal potential Clean Fleet Report
03/23/2009 Survey respondents favor HSR over air travel San Francisco Examiner
03/23/2009 Bay Area Roads May Get $1.5B from Feds Albuquerque Business Journal
03/16/2009 Crime Not an Obstacle to Transit in San Francisco San Francisco Examiner
03/13/2009 HSR board member explains loan KLIV Radio



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