Tom O'Brien, Ph.D.

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Executive Director, Executive Director, Center for International Trade and Transportation, CSU Long Beach

Dr. Thomas O'Brien is the Executive Director of the Center for International Trade and Transportation (CITT) at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) and the Deputy Director of the METRANS Transportation Center, a partnership of CSULB and the University of Southern California. He also serves as the Director of the Southwest Transportation Workforce Center (SWTWC), one of five regional workforce centers originally funded by the Federal Highway Administration. He previously served as CITT’s Director of Research. Dr. O’Brien is a member of the Executive Committee of the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) where he serves as Immediate Past President. He is Chair of the oversight committee of the National Science Foundation’s National Center for Supply Chain Automation and a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Intermodal Freight Transport Committee and Urban Freight Committee. He also serves on the Boards of the Los Angeles Transportation Club, Foreign Trade Association, Harbor Association of Industry and Commerce and National Transit Institute. Dr. O’Brien has a Master’s degree in Urban Planning and Development and a Ph.D. in Policy, Planning, and Development from the University of Southern California. He is both a former Eno and Eisenhower Transportation Fellow.​

Research Areas: Intermodal Logistics, Transport Policy, Transportation Workforce Development.

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