MTI Research Snaps Webinar: Accessibility Policy For Autonomous Public Transit

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Thursday, December 9, 2021

10a.m.- 10:30a.m. (PT) | Link to register.

One of the greatest advantages of autonomous vehicle technology is its potential to empower people to achieve mobility. This technology has significant potential to empower Americans with disabilities to move from A to B in ways previously unheard of. However, the realization of this potential depends on many stakeholders and potential obstacles. Vehicle manufactures, policy- makers, and state agencies all collaborate to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals at different stages of travel, through information system design, vehicle design, and infrastructure design. Integrating accessibility at this stage of the AV revolution would allow an opportunity to develop a transportation system that treats accessibility as a guiding principle, not as an afterthought. ADA regulations, along with universal design principles and assistive technologies, can maximize accessibility for all. Join us to explore how, through improved collaboration and adoption of best practices, the industry can learn to address the needs of individuals with disabilities.

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Drs. William "Billy" Riggs and Anurag Pande

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