Emergency Preparedness in Motion: The Role of ICS in Transportation

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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

10:00-10:45a.m. (PT) | Link to register.

If a wildfire, earthquake, or cyber emergency impacts a transit system—what happens next? How do transportation agencies respond in an emergency? The use of an Incident Command System (ICS) allows for a uniform response method for emergencies and is required by FEMA and the FHWA. ICS, however, is rarely used by transportation personnel. Join transportation and emergency response experts for a discussion of the pros and cons of implementing ICS training for field-level transportation supervisors and staff. Don’t miss this opportunity to better understand emergency response best practices in our industry.


  • Frances L. Edwards, PhDDeputy Director, National Transportation Security Center

  • Dan GoodrichSenior Transportation Security Scientist, National Transportation Security Center

Moderator: Karen Philbrick, PhD, Executive Director, Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI)

*0.75 PDH credit available

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About the Presenters

Frances L. Edwards, PhD

Deputy Director, National Transportation Security Center

Frances L. Edwards, MUP, PhD, CEM, is professor emeritus of political science at San José State University, following 17 years as the Director of the Master of Public Administration program. She is the Deputy Director of the National Transportation Security Center at the Mineta Transportation Institute. A Certified Emergency Manager with over 20 years’ professional experience in California, she has served as acting assistant fire chief for the San José Fire Department, as Budget Analyst for the Irvine, California Police Department, and as Assistant to the City Manager in Florham Park, New Jersey. 

Dan Goodrich

Senior Transportation Security Scientist, National Transportation Security Center

Daniel C. Goodrich, MPA, CEM, MEP is a Senior Transportation Security Scientist with the Mineta Transportation Institute at SJSU, and the instructor for “Security Issues for Transportation Professionals” in the Master of Science in Transportation Management program. He is a Certified Emergency Manager, a Master Exercise Practitioner, a Professional Continuity Practitioner and a Certified Security Specialist. He provides emergency management planning and training support to Caltrans and Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority. 

Frances L. Edwards, PhD and Dan Goodrich

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SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: mineta-institute@sjsu.edu