November '24 Newsletter

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November 2024
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Researcher Spotlight
This month, we are proud to spotlight Lisa Staes, her outstanding contributions to the field, and her invaluable insights about staying connected to each other and the communities we serve. Ms. Staes is the Associate Director at the University of South Florida’s Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR). She plays a pivotal role at CUTR, one of MTI’s key consortia partners in both the Center for Surface Transportation Testing and Academic Research (C-STTAR) and the Mineta Consortium for Equitable, Efficient, and Sustainable Transportation (MCEEST), critical collaborations that advance a future of transportation that serves everyone.
Read the Full Article
Student Spotlight
Anton Ngo with the 2023 Mineta Summer Transportation Institute cohort at their graduation celebration.

Waldorf School of the Peninsula junior Anton Ngo has been interested in urban planning and transportation since he was a kid, when he spent time drawing roadmaps and examining highway networks. In 2023, he attended the Mineta Summer Transportation Institute (MSTI) to learn from experts and explore real-world public transit systems in the Bay Area. He was drawn to MSTI because of its “focus on practical learning and exposure to professionals in the field.”

Through connections established by MTI, Anton recently shadowed the teams at Fehr and Peers and HNTB to further help him on his path toward a successful educational and professional future. One of his biggest takeaways from his time at Fehr and Peers was seeing how “flexible and interdisciplinary” the team was, helping Anton understand what a future career at an interdisciplinary and adaptive transportation firm could look like. Shadowing environmental planners at HNTB left Anton feeling inspired, and he says, “I can see myself pursuing environmental planning as a career.” Whatever path he takes, we are confident Anton’s skills and passion will help him make a positive difference in people's everyday lives.

New Research
Are California’s Local Jurisdictions Disproportionately Directing Growth Toward Existing Disadvantaged Communities? Evidence from the Southern California and San Francisco Bay Area Regions
Are California’s Local Jurisdictions Disproportionately Directing Growth Toward Existing Disadvantaged Communities? Evidence from the Southern California and San Francisco Bay Area Regions

Communities across the United States are striving to promote smart urban growth through compact urban infill residential development. They are doing so to mitigate sprawl's negative fiscal, environmental, social, and physical impacts, strengthen land use-housing-transportation linkages, and develop at densities needed for well-functioning public transit. Some states, such as California, have gone a step further by linking compact urban infill development as critical to meeting greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some Californian jurisdictions are planning disproportionately large amounts of new urban development in disadvantaged communities (DACs), but empirical evidence is lacking.

Using the two most populated regions of the state—the San Francisco Bay Area (S.F. Bay Area) and Southern California (SoCal)—as case studies, this research finds that the new housing is disproportionately planned in DACs in both the case study regions. Specifically, of the areas earmarked for future growth, close to a quarter (22%) are disadvantaged in the S.F. Bay Area region and close to half (48%) in the SoCal region. Meanwhile, the total area of the region that is disadvantaged is only 14% and 26%, respectively. These findings are critical for equity implications in policy and planning in these areas and beyond.

Read the Report

Professional Development Opportunities

Study High-Speed Rail Stations in France & Spain
Study High-Speed Rail Stations in France & Spain
Embark on a high-speed rail adventure across Europe! Join an immersive study-abroad experience with San José State University, which offers students a first-hand view of successful rail station mega-projects in France and Spain. Through site visits and meetings with local experts, participants will learn how stations in both countries are planned, designed, and built to become cornerstones of vibrant communities. Along the way, students will immerse in French and Spanish culture as they savor local cuisine, visit historic landmarks, and connect with local residents.

Throughout the class, students will reflect on how planning and design practices from France and Spain can be applied in the US, including for development of the California High-Speed Rail Project.

  • Who is eligible: Upper-division undergrads and graduate students at any university who have a minimum 3.0 GPA, as well as working professionals who have completed a four-year bachelor's degree
  • Travel dates: May 29 - June 10, 2025 (12 nights)
  • Cities visited: Students will stay multiple days in Paris, Lyon, Barcelona, and Madrid, with day trips to Strasbourg (France) and Zaragoza (Spain)
  • Cost: Estimated total of $8,620, all inclusive ($5,995 in fees that cover tuition for the 3-unit class and 12 nights of hotel accommodation; students pay directly for travel to Paris and home from Madrid, as well as lunches, dinners, and other small miscellaneous costs
To Learn More and Apply
Emerging Technologies for

Transportation Management

Emerging Technologies for Transportation Management
Step into the forefront of transportation innovation with MTM 297: Emerging Technologies for Transportation Safety and Efficiency—an online  course about emerging technologies that improve transportation system safety and efficiency. Students discover change management principles to evaluate and implement cutting-edge technologies like Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT).


  • Class meetings (online): Mondays, January 6 to March 17, 2025, 5:30 to 9:30 PM (Pacific)
  • Tuition: $1,485
  • Registration deadline: December 15 (for details, contact
  • Instructor: Dr. Nick Compin
  • More course content details are available in the syllabus

Whether you’re advancing in your current role or preparing for leadership in the field, this class equips students with the skills and connections to make an impact. This class is offered through San José State University's Graduate Program in Transportation Management.

Learn More About the Class
Upcoming Event
Indigenous Placemaking

Thursday, December 5, 2024
Studio on the Street (76 South First Street, San José, CA)
10:00-11:00a.m. (PT) | Link to register

SJSU's Institute of Metropolitan Studies and the Mineta Transportation Institute invite you to a lecture by Dr. Clifford Gordon Atleo, an expert in Indigenous governance and self-determination. A Ts’msyen (Kitselas/Kitsumkalum) and Nuu-chah-nulth (Ahousaht) scholar, Dr. Atleo will discuss his latest research on Indigenous Placemaking in Metropolitan Vancouver. This event offers a unique lens into the intersection of culture, governance, and urban spaces.

*MTI is a proud co-sponsor of this event.

Register Now
Past Events
Connect for Your Career: An Introduction to Professional Associations in Transportation (2024)
Connect for Your Career: An Introduction to Professional Associations in Transportation

WTS-SF Bay Area and the Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) of San Jose State hosted this free virtual event "Connect for Your Career: An Introduction to Professional Associations in Transportation" that introduced university students and emerging professionals to transportation organizations that offer networking, professional development opportunities, and/or scholarship opportunities. 

Participating organizations include:

  • American Planning Association (APA
  • American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT)
  • Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP)
  • Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO)
  • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
  • Latinos in Transit (LiT)
  • National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)
  • Transportation Research Board (TRB)
  • US High Speed Rail Association (USHSR)
  • Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS)
  • Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT)
Watch the Recording
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Perfecting Your Scholarship Application
*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event.

MTI Student Association hosted a free virtual event to learn tips for perfecting students' scholarship applications for a better chance at funding their education. Speakers joined from transportation associations such as the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO), California Transportation Foundation (CTF), and Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS). Attendees learned about each association's scholarship programs.
Watch the Recording



Contact Us

SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: