Past Events

The California State University Transportation Consortium organizes or participates in numerous transportation-related events each year. Details about past events, including links to presentations and other relevant resources, when available, are listed below.

Dates Events
March 29, 2022  A Hands-On Exploration of the Bay Area Parking Census  -  Online

The Mineta Transportation Institute, in partnership with SPUR and researchers at Arizona State University, created a parking census of the Bay Area has revealed the true enormity of land that we dedicate to our cars: 15 million spaces spread across the region’s nine counties. To coincide with the launch of this census we’re also releasing the database that was used as the backbone for our research. This innovative, publicly-available tool can serve as an important asset to help policymakers and planners throughout the Bay Area make more strategic decisions about parking. But such a tool is only useful if you know what to do with it. This interactive workshop taught us the data-rich index of the region’s parking surfeit can be wielded to inform policy changes, both big and small, in your own city.

*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event.

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March 24, 2022  How to Be Your Own Boss Without Going Broke or Crazy - Part 2  -  Online

This webinar talked about the independent consultants and small business owners and their experience starting their business, with a focus on key administrative steps and considerations (e.g., necessary permits, selecting insurance, setting billing rates). VTA’s Office of Business Diversity Programs also shared more about state and local small business certification programs. 

Panelists included:

  • Diana Dorinson, Founder and Principal, Transportation Analytics
  • Danielle Stanislaus, President, Emergent Transportation Concepts
  • Jennifer Mena, Business Diversity Programs Analyst, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA)


Tentative Dates of Upcoming Events in the Series

Part 3: Getting Work - Building Your Client Base & Winning Contracts


Thursday, April 26, 2022

12:00p.m.- 1:00p.m. (PT)

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Presenters: Diana Dorinson, Danielle Stanislaus, and Jennifer Mena
March 9, 2022  Effects of Bike Lending on Commuting to Work: The Google Case Study  -  Online

How are high tech employees returning to work? Maybe by bike. Google employees borrowed high quality electric- assisted and conventional bicycles for free, for up to six months. MTI researchers discussed their recent evaluation of this transportation demand management program in this webinar.

The lending program at Google represents one of the largest employer-sponsored bike and e-bike lending programs in North America with over 1,000 bikes in its inventory. More individuals and agencies have shown interest in e-bike rebates and in the role of public policy in the shift from four wheels to two. This evaluation is a critical first step toward understanding the potential for bike lending as a strategy in North American suburban contexts. 

CM Credit Certificate.

PDH Credit Certificate.

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Presenters: Dillon Fitch, Lucy Noble, and Terry Mac
February 28, 2022  Coming to Terms with the Bay Area's Parking Problem  -  Online

Parking may seem scarce when you’re looking for just the right spot, but it’s actually one of the Bay Area’s most expansive resources. With 15 million parking spaces — enough to wrap around the planet more than twice — the region has an excessive amount of parking. Yet for decades, planners have operated blindly when they attempt to determine parking needs or assess the impacts of new parking policies. Thsi webinar discussed a new effort, the Bay Area Parking Census, produced by the Mineta Transportation Institute in partnership with SPUR, to quantify the region’s parking supply and its negative impacts on health, climate and affordability. The discussion was led by the effort’s principal researcher, Mikhail Chester, PhD, to learn more about the Bay Area Parking Census and the strategies that Bay Area cities can use to reduce, manage and convert parking.

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*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event.

February 16, 2022  Riding with Transportation Equity  -  Online

How can the transportation industry approach issues of diversity and accessibility in the workforce, in transit riders, and in the community? How can we overcome historic and current injustices both by taking action now and by laying the groundwork for further transformation down the road? By shifting from broader conversations on equity to timely, focused discussions and hands-on planning, our industry can begin to understand and address the needs of community members of all ages, races, genders, and abilities. This Black History Month, MTI and a panel of experts to discussed transforming racial inequity in the transportation industry. We reflected on some of the most pressing issues of equity in our nation and industry today, and contributed to the discussion about how to address these issues.

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February 10, 2022  How to Be Your Own Boss Without Going Broke or Crazy - Part 1  -  Online

Part 1: The Inspiration - Lessons Learned from Small Business Owners

WTS-SF Bay Area and the Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) of San Jose State hosted a virtual event "How to Be Your Own Boss Without Going Broke or Crazy - Part 1." Thinking about starting a consulting business? While the idea is exciting, the actual process can be quite daunting. We created this three-part series about starting your own business to help you get on your way.

This first session was an opportunity to talk with three business owners about how they started off, what they've learned on the way, and their successes and challenges.

Panelists included:

  1. Eileen Goodwin, President, Apex Strategies
  2. Ronny Kraft, Planner, Ronny Kraft Consulting
  3. Dominic Tafoya, Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, VST Engineering

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Tentative Dates of Upcoming Events in the Series

Part 2: The Paperwork - Understanding Forms & Certifications
Thursday, March 24, 2022
12:00p.m.- 1:00p.m. (PT)
Part 3: Getting Work - Building Your Client Base & Winning Contracts
Thursday, April 21, 2022
12:00p.m.- 1:00p.m. (PT)
February 10, 2022  MTI Research Snaps Webinar: Artificial Intelligence for Real-Time Traffic Vision, Detection, Tracking, and Counting  -  Online

Traffic fatalities, which are on the rise, leave pedestrians and bicyclists highly vulnerable. Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered systems that monitor and manage traffic flow can significantly improve safety for everyone. Until recently, there was no effective automated system for monitoring the movement of vulnerable road users. MTI funded research contributed to the development and implementation of  an accurate, real-time, and automatic system based on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision to monitor, detect, track, count, and manage traffic elements like pedestrians, bicyclists, cars, and more. This cost-effective system does NOT require installing new cameras. Instead, the system has been trained on videos captured from existing traffic cameras in Los Angeles. The results demonstrate more than 97% accuracy in pedestrian counting. We have presented the system’s features and capabilities in this webinar.

Presenters: Mohammad Pourhomayoun, PhD
January 28, 2022 to January 30, 2022  Student Leadership Summit 2022

MTI was a proud to co-sponsor of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) SJSU Student Leadership Summit (SLS), an event organized by students to promote guidance and professional development through fun events such as presentations, socials, and technical events. Previously hosted by California Polytechnic State University, it was a great honor to continue the tradition of providing opportunities on behalf of San Jose State University for students to network with professionals in the transportation sector and streamline their interpersonal and leadership skills.

January 27, 2022  MTI Research Snaps Webinar: Transportation to Combat Human Trafficking  -  Online

Human trafficking—a form of modern slavery—is the recruitment, transport, or transfer of persons using force, fraud, or coercion to exploit them for acts of labor or sex. According to the International Labor Organization, human trafficking is the fastest growing organized crime with approximately $150B in annual profits and 40.3M individuals trapped in slave-like conditions. 

The transportation industry plays a critical role in combating human trafficking as traffickers often rely on the transportation system to recruit, move, or transfer victims of human trafficking for either sex or forced labor. Additionally, transportation is used to move goods produced by forced and trafficked labor. 

This webinar shared the state-of-the-art efforts being used to combat this issue in the United States, including the role of transportation in facilitating effective prevention programs and increasing victim identification. It informed ongoing efforts on legislation, key initiatives, collaboration, data collection, and research on transportation.

PDH Credit Certificate.

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Presenters: Dr. Kezban Yagci Sokat
January 20, 2022  Aviation and Climate Change Forum  -  Online

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Aviation’s impact to climate change is significant; without mitigation, this impact is expected to grow as the industry recovers from the global pandemic. Climate change has a correspondingly large impact on aviation; changing weather patterns can affect aircraft performance, infrastructure, and operations. Over the coming decades, the decarbonization of the aviation sector will present numerous technological, policy, and environmental challenges, while extreme weather will create challenges and new requirements for aviation safety and growth.

On January 20, 2022, SJSU and its Mineta Transportation Institute hosted a virtual forum on Aviation and Climate Change to discuss these issues. The forum brought together Silicon Valley leaders in academia, government, and industry to showcase the regional capabilities available to address climate change and aviation challenges, and to encourage the public-private partnerships and collaborations needed to do so.

PDH Credit Certificate.

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Welcome and Forum Overview, Dr. Karen Philbrick, Executive Director, SJSU Mineta Transportation Institute and Dr. Tina Panontin, Director of Program Content, Professor of Practice, SJSU College of Engineering

Welcome and SJSU Perspective, Dr. Vincent Del Casino, Provost and Senior Vice President, SJSU

Silicon Valley Policy-Maker PerspectivesCongresswoman Zoe Lofgren, 19th District of California and Senator Dave Cortese, State Senate District 15

1. Aviation and Climate Change: Phenomenology


  • Dr. Minghui Diao, Associate Professor, SJSU College of Science, Department of Meteorology and Climate Science

  • Raj Pai, Senior Technologist, NASA Ames Research Center

2. Aviation and Climate Change: Strategic Frameworks


3. Aviation and Climate Change: Technology Advances


  • Dr. David Wagner, Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, SJSU College of Engineering

  • Dr. Alison Bridger, Department Chair, SJSU College of Science, Department of Meteorology and Climate Science 

  • Shawn Engelland, Aerospace Engineer, NASA Ames Research Center

  • Dr. Mark Hansen, Professor of Transportation Engineering, UC Berkeley

  • Kevin James, Senior Aerospace Engineer, NASA Ames Research Center

  • Dr. Serena Alexander, Associate Professor at SJSU, Research Associate at MTI

4. Public Private Partnerships


  • Shivanjli Sharma, National Campaign Deputy Lead, NASA Ames Research Center

5. Industry Roundtable


  • Andrea Pesce, Director, Industry Alliances & Licensing, UC Santa Cruz


  • Amy Gross, Sustainability Lead, Joby Aviation

  • Chris Bley, Co-Founder & Director, Monterey Bay DART

  • David Merrill, CEO & Co-Founder, Elroy Air

  • Michael Read, Founder, Skybase

December 9, 2021  MTI Research Snaps Webinar: Accessibility Policy For Autonomous Public Transit   -  Online

One of the greatest advantages of autonomous vehicle technology is its potential to empower people to achieve mobility. This technology has significant potential to empower Americans with disabilities to move from A to B in ways previously unheard of. However, the realization of this potential depends on many stakeholders and potential obstacles. Vehicle manufactures, policy- makers, and state agencies all collaborate to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals at different stages of travel, through information system design, vehicle design, and infrastructure design. Integrating accessibility at this stage of the AV revolution would allow an opportunity to develop a transportation system that treats accessibility as a guiding principle, not as an afterthought. ADA regulations, along with universal design principles and assistive technologies, can maximize accessibility for all. We explored how through improved collaboration and adoption of best practices, the industry can learn to address the needs of individuals with disabilities.

PDH Credit Certificate. 

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Presenters: Drs. William "Billy" Riggs and Anurag Pande
December 3, 2021  ARTBA's 11th Annual Student Transportation Industry Video Contest  -  San José, CA

The Student Video Contest is an annual competition aimed at helping students gain a better understanding of the importance of transportation infrastructure investment to the U.S. economy and quality of life, and to learn more about the industry and potential transportation construction career opportunities.

ARTBA’s Research & Education Division sponsors the competition, which is divided into two age groups:

  • Elementary, middle or high school students
  • Post-secondary, college and graduate students

Winners are selected in each age group. First prize in each category is $500 and second place in each category is $250.

Videos should be no longer than 2 ½ minutes and feature audio.

View past submissions | Rules and regulations

*This contest is supported by MTI and it's Executive Director who also serves as ARTBA's President of Research and Education Division.
November 16, 2021  Advanced Driver Assistance Systems & Automated Features: Are They Driving Us to Safety?  -  Online

Automotive companies are constantly striving to enhance their vehicles to minimize and ultimately eliminate driver errors and enhance safety. Various advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and automated features are designed to warn, and in some cases, take over certain driving maneuvers. These systems are part of vehicles with driver assist technology, which are vital for the successful deployment of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) in the near future. What are these features? How do they work? How does a driver’s behavior vary when driving a vehicle with ADAS or automated features in rural, urban, and freeway driving scenarios? This webinar explored these questions based on research from evaluating drivers’ behavioral response to scenarios when driving vehicles with and without features like lane departure warning (LDW), blind spot warning (BSW), over speed warning (OSW), lane keep assist (LKA), and adaptive cruise control (acc).

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Presenters: Dr. Srinivas Pulugurtha and Raghuveeer Gouribhatla
November 8, 2021  Make the Connection: Next Stop Your Career  -  Online

WTS-SF Bay Area and the Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) of San Jose State hosted this free virtual event "Make the Connection: Next Stop Your Career" that introduced Bay Area university students studying transportation to local professional organizations that offer networking, professional development opportunities, and/or scholarship opportunities. 

At this event, Bay Area university students studying transportation (all disciplines) were introduced to the many wonderful professional organizations in our region, including:

  • Women's Transportation Seminar (WTS)
  • American Planning Association (APA) 
  • American Public Works Association (APWA)
  • Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP)
  • Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO)
  • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
  • Intelligent Transportation Society of California (ITS California)
  • Latinos in Transit (LiT)

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October 29, 2021  SoFA Pocket Park Exploration  -  San José, CA

MTI is partnered with the SJSU Department of Urban Planning, Communivercity, and Veggielution on this community-based project. In order to gain broad participation in a downtown community survey exploring the habits of Downtown San Jose residents and the new SoFA Pocket Park, MTI co-hosted three outreach events, including two geared towards K-12 participants. 

October 19, 2021  (Cyber) Security Risk: Aligning the Transit Industry and Vendors to Address Increasing Cybersecurity Challenges  -  Online

How can the transit industry and vendors align to address increasing cybersecurity challenges? This webinar looked at research to help public transit agencies understand the cybersecurity risks posed by the role some vendors play in their systems, and aligned vendors’ interests with the agency’s to better understand, mitigate, and respond to threats. The research team is delving into crucial behind-the-scenes details with these issues by conducting interviews, reviewing best practices, and examining U.S. policy on cybersecurity in public transportation and potential changes from the new Administration. The researchers provided operational recommendations for public transit operators and supply chain of vendors to adequately combat critical cyber risks.

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Presenters: Brandon Thomas
September 30, 2021 to October 1, 2021  2021 Mobility 21 Southern California Transportation Summit Road to Recovery  -  Online

MTI is proudly co-sponsored Mobility 21's 2021 Summit "Road to Recovery." Mobility 21 is a coalition that brings together public, business and community stakeholders to pursue regional solutions to the transportation challenges facing Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego and Ventura counties. 

In this year's summit, speakers tackled such topics as:

  • California's Global Ports & Supply Chains
  • Carbon Neutrality
  • Employees Commutes
  • Transportation Advocacy
  • Equity 
  • Contractors
  • Housing


September 16, 2021  MTI Research Snaps Webinar: "Roadblock Up On The Cloverleaf: Workforce Development for the Trucking Industry"  -  Online

The trucking industry transports goods essential to our everyday lives. In recent years, the industry has faced workforce dilemmas such as driver shortages and high turnover—and supply chain issues stemming from the pandemic only amplify these problems. How can we ensure this important workforce remains functional and efficient? How does trucking fit into the future of transportation? This webinar explored truck driver recruitment and retention as well as other broader industry trends. 

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Presenters: Drs. Tom O'brien and Tyler Reeb
September 8, 2021  Progressive Parking Policies: A Conversation with Prof. C.J. Gabbe & Students  -  Online

The City of San Jose considered reducing the regulations it placed on parking to allow development to occur more easily. On August 27th, the City Council held a study session on this. What would these changes mean? Could they be beneficial for San Jose? How will they impact the next generation of San Joseans? Catalyze SV & Mineta Transportation Institute held a dynamic panel bringing together Professor C.J. Gabbe of Santa Clara University and his Environmental Studies and Sciences students.

*MTI was a proud co-sponsor to this informative event.

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Presenters: C.J. Gabbe & Santa Clara University students
July 22, 2021  MTI Research Snaps Presents "Google It: Microtransit Pilot Via2G and the Future of Commuting"  -  Online

This webinar found alternatives to solo driving can help reduce congestion, improve air quality, and reduce parking demand.

In October 2019, Google contracted the company Via to launch a new on-demand microtransit commute option called Via2G. This webinar discussed three months of pilot operations to understand the trends, challenges, and successes of microtransit commuting. The Via2G program enjoyed increasing popularity over time, providing more than 7,500 rides to nearly 900 Google employees. Most trips were relatively short, suggesting the program complemented peoples’ existing commute modes.

Findings suggested future program iterations should seek ways to minimize deadheading, focus future programming and outreach on employees who always drive and/or complete errands on the commute trip, and extend program hours.

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Presenters: Anne Brown, PhD, Alice Grossman, PhD, Lucy Noble




Contact Us

SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: