Past Events

The California State University Transportation Consortium organizes or participates in numerous transportation-related events each year. Details about past events, including links to presentations and other relevant resources, when available, are listed below.

Dates Events
August 29, 2024  14th Annual Silicon Valley Bike Summit  -  South San Francisco Library, 901 Civic Campus Way South San Francisco, CA 94080

SVBC's 14th Annual Silicon Valley Bike Summit is the region's leading gathering for active transportation leaders and advocates. New this year was the Youth Leaders in Active Transportation Award, recognizing the contributions of young advocates. This event provided an opportunity for like-minded individuals to connect, gain insights, and help shape the future of cycling in Silicon Valley and beyond. 

*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event.

August 24, 2024  6th Annual EV Ride and Drive  -  Lake Cunningham Park, San José, CA

Silicon Valley Clean Cities’ annual Ride-and-Drive event is a great opportunity that allows participants to test drive electric and alternately fueled vehicles. Ride-and-Drive participants had the opportunity to get behind the wheel of vehicles from different manufacturers including Hyundai, Jaguar, Range Rover, Tesla, and Toyota. We hope that having this opportunity will both inspire test-drivers to consider purchasing an electric vehicle and educate attendees about the world of electric and alternatively fueled vehicles.

*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event.

August 8, 2024  COMTO Northern California's Summer Intern Reception  -  HNTB Oakland Office, 2101 Webster St., Suite 1400, Oakland, CA 94612

COMTO Northern California hosted a Summer Intern Reception event designed to introduce students to potential opportunities in the transportation industry. This event aimed to connect interns with industry professionals, offering a platform for networking, mentorship, and career exploration. Students can express interest in gaining insights into various career paths, understanding the latest industry trends, and hearing personal success stories from seasoned professionals. 

COMTO can benefit students by providing access to a wide network of professionals, offering mentorship programs, and facilitating internships and job placements. Through this event, COMTO helped students build valuable connections, gain industry knowledge, and develop the skills necessary for a successful career in transportation. The reception included presentations, Q&A session, and informal networking opportunities, all tailored to help students navigate and thrive in the transportation industry.

*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event.

July 30, 2024  Uncharted Territory: 2024 Cybersecurity Insurance and Transit Landscape

Cybersecurity threats are everywhere, and no organization is immune. While the volume of cyberattacks has increased exponentially, the bigger concern for most transit agencies is that the  average cost to recover from successful attacks has skyrocketed. While many transit operators have taken steps to improve cyber resiliency, others continue to assume they will not be targeted. How are insurance companies and regulators responding? This Research Snaps webinar featured discussion about recent evolutions in the cyber risk landscape and the impacts on transit. Expert speakers provided recommendations on how the different segments of the market can work together to manage the risk of cyber attacks in “Uncharted Territory: 2024 Cybersecurity Insurance and Transit Landscape.” 


  • Scott Belcher, Research Associate, MTI; Co-Founder, Cybrbase, LLC
  • Todd Chollet, Risk Advisor and Cyber Practice Leader, Sunstar Insurance Group

Moderator: Hilary Nixon, PhD, Deputy Executive Director, Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI)

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Presenters: Scott Belcher & Todd Chollet
July 8, 2024 to July 26, 2024  Mineta Summer Transportation Institute (MSTI) 2024  -  San José State University

MTI's 2024 MSTI was held weekdays, July 8-26, 2024, M-F 9am-3pm at San José State University. While engaging in stimulating hands-on STEM activities and venturing on exciting local field trips, students learned about transportation innovation and earned 3 transferable college credits in Environmental Studies from San José State University. This program was completely free and open to high school students. 

This program is a crucial step toward building the transportation workforce pipeline. 

View the Program Page

June 29, 2024  32nd Annual Awards Banquet and Convocation Celebration  -  San José, CA

To ensure the efficient movement of people and products, we must prepare a new cohort of transportation professionals who are ready to lead a diverse, inclusive, and equitable transportation industry. To that end, MTI held its 32nd Annual Banquet and Convocation Celebration at San José State University on June 29, 2024. Joined by our distinguished Board of Trustees, we celebrated our 2024 MSTM graduates, alumni of the year, the winners of the Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Competition, and much more. 

This exciting MSTM celebration included individualized recognition of each graduate and award presentations.

May 21, 2024  Collaborative Strategies for Sustainable Transportation: Developing an Equitable VMT Mitigation Program for Santa Clara County  -  Online

This Research Snaps webinar was co-sponsored by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority.

New developments are popping up everywhere, and bringing more economic opportunities, more community engagement, more trips to new and exciting places—and more driving. The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) is working with partners to develop a program to reduce the amount of driving generated from new developments, and they called on a team from the Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI) and San José State University (SJSU) students for help. This collaboration provided assistance in creating an equity framework for VTA’s proposed Equitable Vehicle Miles Traveled Mitigation Program. During the event, attendees heard from the researchers about identified strategies for equitable VMT mitigation programs and effective community engagement processes and how they can be applied to other jurisdictions.

Presenter: Serena Alexander, PhD, MTI Research Associate; Associate Professor, Northeastern University

Moderator: Hilary Nixon, PhD, Deputy Executive Director, Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI)

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Presenters: Serena Alexander, PhD
May 17, 2024  Beyond the Pump: Rethinking Transportation Funding Without the Fuel Tax  -  Online

15th Annual Mineta National Transportation Policy Summit

While the climate benefits from booming electric vehicle sales, the nation’s transportation system faces an unfortunate predicament: less gasoline and diesel purchased means dwindling fuel tax revenue. Fuel tax revenue provides a core funding source for operating, maintaining, and improving transportation systems, so policymakers must find a replacement as soon as possible. This event explored such options as mileage fees, higher annual vehicle fees, or abandoning the user-pay principle and relying on general fund revenue.

See here for more information and recordings from past events in the series.

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CM Credit

MC MTI Tax Survey Presenter Federal Funding, Past and Future Panel Moderator
Karen Philbrick, PhD Asha Weinstein Agrawal, PhD Jeff Davis David "Davey" S. Kim


Karen Philbrick, PhD

Executive Director
Mineta Transportation Institute


Asha Weinstein Agrawal, PhD

MTI National Transportation Finance Center


Jeff Davis

Senior Fellow
Eno Center for Transportation



David “Davey” S. Kim

MTI Trustee

Senior Vice President & Principal, National Transportation Policy and Multimodal Strategy
Panelist Panelist Panelist
Carlos Braceras Ed Sniffen Ed Sniffen


Carlos Braceras

Executive Director
Utah Department of Transportation


Tim Gatz

Executive Director
Oklahoma Department of Transportation


Ed Sniffen

Hawaii Department of Transportation
Presenters: Asha Weinstein Agrawal, PhD, Carlos Braceras, Jeff Davis, David S. Kim, Tim Gatz, Ed Sniffen
May 8, 2024  Pedaling Progress: Equity Assessment of San José's Urban Bike Infrastructure via SJ-BikeEquity Tool  -  Online

This Research Snaps webinar was co-sponsored by SJSU's Spatial Analytics and Visualization (SAVI) Center.

Bike networks are growing nationwide—including in San José, which is keen on becoming “one of the most bike-friendly cities in North America.” Expanding bike networks and allocating funds require careful planning to ensure a fair distribution of bike infrastructure, but most assessment methods neglect differences in bike path classes that provide different safety and comfort levels for cyclists. MTI experts discussed an equity assessment of San José’s bike infrastructure, driven by a weighting system for different safety and comfort levels of the urban bike network, and what it could mean for traffic congestion, sustainability, and Bay Area communities. 

Presenter: Ahoura Zandiatashbar, PhDSJSU Assistant Professor, MTI Research Associate.

Moderator: Hilary Nixon, PhD, Deputy Executive Director, Mineta Transportation Institute (MTI)

*0.5 PDH credit available

View the Recording.

PDH Credit.


Presenters: Ahoura Zandiatashbar, PhD
May 1, 2024 to May 31, 2024  SVBC's Bike Month and Bike to Wherever Days

Join Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition for Bike Month and Bike to Wherever Days!

Whether you bike every day or once every couple of months — or want to learn how — you’re invited to join thousands in celebration of the humble bicycle. May is Bike Month, and we’d love to have you, your friends and your family pledge to ride with us for Bike to Wherever Days, Thursday - Saturday, May 16 - 18.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Pledge to Ride during Bike to Wherever Days. Your pledge is free. It supports healthy, safe and joyful community and biking. And we’ll help make your great rides happen.

  • Bay Area Bike Challenge - 30,000 Miles for 30 Years of BTWD. Celebrate the 30th anniversary of Bike to Work Day by participating. Take the Challenge.

  • Celebrate with our great lineup of free biking classes and rides in your area to help you roll, our events calendar, plus a free, specially designed Bike to Wherever Days 2024 tote bag, enthusiastic support from Energizer Stations in your neighborhood, and chances to win prizes from local bike shops.

  • Spread the word of Bike to Wherever Days 2024 — see the media kit.

  • We need you! We’re seeking Energizer Station hosts now and volunteers for bike-bag stuffing and distribution parties and more!

*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event.

April 28, 2024  SJSU Urban Planning Coalition's Spring Symposium: An Exploration in Urban Planning Careers  -  Student Union Meeting Room 2A, San José State University

The Urban Planning Coalition (UPC) at San José State University hosted its annual Spring Symposium. This year's symposium focused on An Exploration in Urban Planning Careers, providing insights into various career paths within the field of urban planning.

The symposium featured expert speakers and panel discussions covering crucial aspects of urban planning, including transportation planning, housing, and environmental planning. It provided an excellent opportunity for students and professionals interested in urban planning to network, gain valuable knowledge, and explore potential career prospects.

*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event.

April 27, 2024  Environmental Literacy Summit 2024  -  Santa Clara County Office of Education, 1290 Ridder Park Drive, San José, CA 95131

The Santa Clara County Office of Education hosted its third annual Environmental Literacy Summit on Saturday, April 24, featuring guest speakers, student-led panels, interactive workshops, and an opportunity to connect with community-based partners.

*MTI was an exhibitor at this event. 

April 25, 2024  Winner Announcement: 2024 Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Competition  -  Online

In celebration of the 2024 Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Competition, USDOT Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research, Development, and Technology's Director Dr. Firas Ibrahim and MTI's Executive Director Dr. Karen Philbrick hosted the annual winner announcement. 

Garrett Augustus Morgan (1877-1963) was one of seven children born in Kentucky to former slaves. After enduring the challenges of farming in the South and having to quit school to earn a living at the age of 14, he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. While working as a handyman in Ohio, Morgan hired a tutor to continue his education, influencing him to open his own business as a clothing manufacturer and start a successful newspaper. Garrett Morgan's innovative drive led him to obtain many patents, but one of his most prominent inventions, the three-way traffic signal, was designed to make roads safer for everyone, especially pedestrians. It is not only for his inventions, but for his innovative spirit and determination for continued education in the face of adversity that MTI is proud to honor this trailblazer through the Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Competition. This year, competing teams were from California and Oklahoma, including the Hamlin School, Peter Hansen Elementary School, Julius Cordes Elementary School, Juan Cabrillo Middle School, Kennedy Middle School, Shawnee Middle School, Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council - Boy Scouts of America, Tom Matsumoto Elementary School, Troop 492 - Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council, Troop 492 - Cupertino Rotary Club, Thornton Middle School, William Hopkins Middle School, and Christa McAuliffe Middle School.

April 20, 2024  2024 sciencepalooza!  -  San José, CA

Hosted by Synopsys Outreach Foundation in partnership ​with San Jose State University, it took place on April 20, 2024, ​from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. at San Jose State University. sciencepalooza! is an annual interactive ​and fun event where students and families explore facets ​and pathways at STEM by engaging with local professionals, ​organizations, and students.

*MTI was a proud partner of this event.

April 18, 2024 to April 19, 2024 2024 California Bicycle Summit  -  San Diego, CA

The California Bicycle Summit held in San Diego, April 18-19, 2024, was filled with information sharing, coalition building, networking, and new ideas. A group forming to advocate for bicycle education in K-12 classrooms gathered steam. Large groups visited San Diego’s biking and walking infrastructure. And plenaries and breakout sessions delivered thought-provoking discussions.

Read the program recap here.

*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event.

April 15, 2024  Herbert Hoover Middle School STEM Day  -  San José, CA

MTI partnered with RAFT to host Herber Hoover Middle School's Leadership and English Language Development classes for a hands-on STEM activity focused on transportation.

April 3, 2024 to April 4, 2024  ACT West Coast Regional TDM Summit  -  Genentech, 1 DNA Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080

ACT’s Northern California Chapter welcomed attendees to South San Francisco for 1.5 days of panels, interactive discussions, networking, and tours. Hosted at Genentech’s South San Francisco campus, this event highlighted TDM strategies in action at a leading employer. Attendees received an inside look at TDM programs and initiatives in the region and learned how they’ve evolved to meet commuter needs. 

This summit was ACT's inaugural Spring into TDM event, a series of chapter-led regional events which will occur during the spring of each year. 

*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event. 

March 21, 2024  COMTO Women's History Month Reception - "Women Who Move The Bay"  -  Uptown Station: Block Community Hub, 1955 Broadway, Suite B Oakland, CA 94612

In celebration of Women's History Month, COMTO (Conference of Minority Transportation Officials) Northern California hosted the "Women Who Move the Bay" event. This event celebrated women who have made an impact in the transportation industry.

"Women Who Move the Bay" showcased a moderated, informative, panel discussion highlighting the achievements and leadership of women throughout the Bay area. 

*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event. 

February 16, 2024  Engineers Week 2024 - Middle School Day  -  Santa Clara, CA

Founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers in 1951, Engineers Week is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. Engineers Week aims to inspire future generations of engineers and provide opportunities for K-12 students to learn about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through professional panels, discussions, and hands-on engineering activities. As a part of Engineers Week celebration, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) San Jose - Young Members Forum hosted 70 local middle school students to participate in Middle School Day at Valley Water District Office.

View the Event Video.

*This event was presented by the Mineta Transportation Institute.

February 15, 2024  Engineers Week 2024 - Girl Day  -  San José, CA

Founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers in 1951, Engineers Week is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. Engineers Week aims to inspire future generations of engineers and provide opportunities for K-12 students to learn about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through professional panels, discussions, and hands-on engineering activities. As a part of Engineers Week celebration, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) San Jose - Young Members Forum hosted 150 local high school girls to participate in Girl Day at San José Woman's Club and San José State University. 

*This event was presented by the Mineta Transportation Institute.

View the Event Video.




Contact Us

SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: