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- mineta-institute@sjsu.edu
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CSUTC is now accepting abstract submissions for CSUTC 2025: Shaping the Future of Transportation, taking place this August 15th and 16th on the campus of California State University, Long Beach. Any CSU-affiliated researcher is invited to submit an abstract for a technical presentation.
To submit your abstract, visit the CSU InfoReady online platform.
Through a lens of sustainability and innovation, CSUTC 2025 will focus on the current and future workforce training needs, management and innovation, traffic control, trade logistics, mitigating environmental impacts, infrastructure maintenance, and more. See Submission Categories below for more information.
Submissions are only being considered for technical presentations at this time. The abstract should not exceed 150 words.
A technical paper will be required for all accepted abstracts by May 19, 2025. The paper should be limited to six pages and prepared per a formal template.
Please review submission categories for topics and inspiration.
The file should be titled with the author's last name, followed by title of paper (e.g. ANDERSON_Transportation_Management.pdf) and submitted online using the CSU InfoReady online platform.
Each submission must contain the following information:
Author(s) name and affiliation
Email address
Faculty advisor and affiliation, if a student
Four or more keywords describing topic
Contact Dr. Hamid Rahai at hamid.rahai@csulb.edu with any questions.
Abstract submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Quality: The submission is clear, concise, and accessible to both experts and non-experts. The proposed presentation furthers thinking, discussion and/or understanding of transportation issues related to workforce training, innovation, logistics, management, the environment, infrastructure, and the future of mobility (see Submissions Categories for details).
Novelty: The submission is original, forward-thinking, and offers previously unexplored approaches or perspectives of existing and/or new problems and ways to address them.
Relevance: The subjects explored in the submission are relevant to current or near-future transportation issues—especially in California—and will contribute to timely, innovative discussion of the event categories and topics important to an audience of researchers, practitioners and the public sector.
Important Dates |
March 28, 2025 |
Submission of Abstract by 11:59p.m. (PT). To submit your abstract, visit the CSU InfoReady online platform.
April 21, 2025 | Notification of Acceptance |
May 19, 2025
Submission of Draft Technical Paper |
June 16, 2025 | Notification of the Final Acceptance |
July 14, 2025 | Submission of the Final Technical Paper |
CSUTC 2025 |
SJSU Research Foundation 210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112 Phone: 408-924-7560 Email: mineta-institute@sjsu.edu