Research In Progress

CSUTC focuses on researching safe, reliable solutions that increase mobility of people and goods and strengthen California’s economy. Broadly, SB 1 identified a number of high priority needs for California: congestion relief (including traffic management systems), trade corridor enhancements, improved transit and rail, pedestrian and cyclist safety projects, as well as maintenance and rehabilitation for California’s road and bridge infrastructure. CSUTC research is designed to align with these priorities and ensure improved mobility for Californians. A current list of ongoing research projects is listed below.

Topic Project Number Principal Investigator
Governing Structures for Successful Regional Transit Coordination and Their Formation 2229 Charles R. Rivasplata / Richard W. Lee
Evaluation of Turbo Roundabout as a Tool for Congestion Mitigation and Safety Improvement in California 2233 Anurag Pande
Reducing Vehicles Miles Traveled Through In-fill: How Regional and Local Plans are Addressing Housing Needs While Mitigating Negative Unintended Impacts on Disadvantaged Communities 2235 Shishir Mathur
Understanding Mobility-Related Challenges for AAPI Older Adults 2310 Yongping Zhang
The Effects of COVID-19 on Public Transit Ridership in the Bay Area 2313 Richard W. Lee / Charles R. Rivasplata
Consistent VMT Mapping and Modeling in California: How Can We Better Assess the VMT Impacts of State and Local Transportation Projects? 2314 Serena E. Alexander
Forecasting Commercial Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in Urban California Areas 2315 Steve Chung
Developing an ROI Assessment Model of Training, Apprenticeship, and Mentorship Programs in California Transit Agencies 2316 Tyler Reeb
CONNECT: Collaboration and Optimization via Neighboring Networks for Efficient City Transportation 2322 Tairan Liu
Toward NetZero Carbon Pavements Using Amine-Impregnated Zeolite 2323 Shadi Saadeh, Ph.D.
Development of A Conceptual Critical Success Factors Model on Infrastructure Sustainability Rating System for California Construction Projects 2324 Joseph Kim, Ph.D.
Assessing the Perceived Safety of Cyclists with Virtual Reality 2327 Vahid Balali, Ph.D.
Effects of Low-Cycle Fatigue Fracture of Longitudinal Reinforcing Steel Bars on the Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Piers 2328 Yu-Fu Ko, Ph.D.
Addressing Transportation Construction Workforce Needs Through Innovative Policies and Practices 2332 Tom O'Brien, Ph.D.
Trade and Transportation Talent Pipeline Blueprints: Building University-Industry Talent Pipelines in Colleges of Continuing and Professional Education 2333 Tyler D. Reeb, Ph.D.
Experimental Investigations of Wind Shear from Passing a Vehicle 2334 Hamid Rahai
Is Parking Cash-Out Worth it? Comparing the Cost-Effectiveness and Climate and Equity Benefits in the Bay Area and South Coast Air Quality Management Districts 2335 Tianjun Lu
Right on Red: Energy Saving Measure or Unsafe Maneuver 2347 Bruce Appleyard
Construction Contracting in the Zero-emission Transportation Sector: A State Program for Disadvantaged Businesses 2348 Gokce Soydemir
Assessing Perceived Safety of Non-Motorized Travel with Immersive Virtual Reality 2349 Vahid Balali
Artificial Intelligence for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety: Using AI to Detect and Report Near-Miss Collisions 2350 Mohammad Pourhomayoun, Ph.D.
Intelligent Blind Crossings for Suburban and Rural Intersections 2351 Dr. Shahab Tayeb
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Roadside Transportation-Related Air Quality: Mobile Air Sensors in Transit Pilot Study 2352 Jaymin Kwon
Development of Physics-Based Deterioration Models for Reinforced Soil Retaining Structures 2360 Amr M. Morsy
Evaluating the Indirect ROI of Transit Agency Training Partnerships with Two-year Colleges 2364 Kathleen F. McConnell




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SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: