Research In Progress

CSUTC focuses on researching safe, reliable solutions that increase mobility of people and goods and strengthen California’s economy. Broadly, SB 1 identified a number of high priority needs for California: congestion relief (including traffic management systems), trade corridor enhancements, improved transit and rail, pedestrian and cyclist safety projects, as well as maintenance and rehabilitation for California’s road and bridge infrastructure. CSUTC research is designed to align with these priorities and ensure improved mobility for Californians. A current list of ongoing research projects is listed below.

Topic Project Number Principal Investigator
Mitigating Negative Consequences of New Housing in Disadvantaged Communities 2456 Dr. Shishir Mathur
Climate Change Impacts on Long-Term Performance and Service Life of California Transportation Earthworks Prone to Weather-Driven Deterioration 2457 Amr Morsy, PhD
The Detection of and Contributing Factors to Residential Infill Development in a High-Quality Transit Area (HQTA): An Application of Deep Learning 2458 Do Kim, PhD
Equitable Estimation of Accurate High-Injury Network (HIN) for Vulnerable Road Users 2459 Anurag Pande, Ph.D.
Workforce Development Academy for Youth at CSULA 2460 Hassan Hashemian
A Hydrogen Hub Blueprint for the California Supply Chain 2461 Tyler Reeb, PhD
Use of Polymer Fiber to Improve Mechanical Properties of HMA Containing Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) 2462 Ashraf Rahim, PhD
An Empirical Investigation into Affordable Transit-Oriented Development (A-TOD) in California: Applying Classification and Scoring Systems 2463 Ahoura Zandiatashbar, PhD
Benefits and Challenges of Integrating Operations of California High-Speed Rail (CSHR), Amtrak, and Brightline-West & Review of California Legislature Impacting HSR's Contracting and Financing Alternatives 2470 Deepak Sharma, PhD
GIS Mapping and Analysis of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in California 2475 Yong Lao, Bo Yang
Understanding Self-Driving Cars: Educational Tools for Automation 2503 William Riggs, PhD
What Do Americans Think About Federal Tax Options to Support Transportation? Results from Year Sixteen of a National Survey 2504 Asha Weinstein Agrawal, PhD
Equity Evaluation of Residents’ Transit+Walk Accessibility to Sacramento Healthcare Facilities 2509 Masoud Ghodrat Abadi
Advancing Sustainability and Durability in Asphalt: Assessing the Role of Low-Carbon Sulfur Polymer Modifiers and Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement 2522 Shadi Saadeh, PhD
Steel Corrosion in Underground Transportation Infrastructure 2523 Amr Morsy, PhD
AI-based Environmental Code Checking Tool for Sustainability Best Management Practices of Infrastructure Construction Projects 2524 Joseph Kim, PhD
Reducing Drag of Vehicles with Half-stepped Cylinder Surfaces Part I: Numerical Optimization 2525 Hamid Rahai, PhD
Sensing Safety: Developing a Flexible, Portable Alcohol Detection Patch for Community Wellness 2526 Ava Hedayatpour, PhD
Smart Transport Infrastructure with Nanoengineered Multifunctional Concrete 2527 Morteza Saeidi




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SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: