Past Events

The California State University Transportation Consortium organizes or participates in numerous transportation-related events each year. Details about past events, including links to presentations and other relevant resources, when available, are listed below.

Dates Events
May 21, 2020  2020 Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Competition

​Much like Garrett Augstus Morgan, who, despite his humble beginnings as the son of slaves, recognized the importance of education, ideation, and entrepreneurship, we too are living in a time of great innovation. Most recently in light of the COVID-19 global pandemic, we’ve seen businesses adapt to ensure the safety of their employees and communities. Most significantly we’ve seen individuals and whole communities rally behind essential workers like nurses, service industry workers, and transit workers to ensure that they can continue to provide those critical services and keep all of us moving. And that is what we do in transportation: keep things moving. Regardless of this pandemic our  industry is always teeming with new ideas focused on sustainability, traffic reduction, active transit, and others. And that’s where this competition comes into play by highlighting the significant creativity and innovation of these incredible students who put together projects despite the challenges associated with their schools closing as a result of COVID-19. 

Congratulations to the winners: 

  • In 3rd place and the winners of an official award plaque and $200 is American Indian Child Resource Center for their project ‘Day and Night,’ which looks into hybrid electric and solar charging stations for devices and double as light sources around transit stations! Congratulations!
  • In 2nd place and the winners of an official award plaque and $300 is Aptos Middle School for their project ‘Eco Drive,’ which proposes a bioethanol powered car with CO2 absorbing components. Congratulations!
  • Finally, in 1st place and the winners of $1,000 cash prize, a plaque, and a special recognition from our Trustees (drumroll) is California Montessori Project- Capitol Campus for their project ‘Fast. Easy. Smart: A Sustainable AV Plan for Cities,’ which proposes a system for the deployment of autonomous vehicles that meets societal needs as well as safety and environmental concerns. 
May 14, 2020  MTI Research Snaps Webinar: "COVID-19 & State-Generated Transportation Funds in California"

The COVID-19 public health emergency drastically changed every aspect of California life, including reducing personal travel by as much as half in many regions. As a result, transportation revenues plummeted because user fees produce a large share of resources needed to operate California’s transportation system. This research used simple spreadsheet models to estimate the impact of different scenarios for economic recovery from the COVID- 19 pandemic on state-generated transportation revenues. The model covers the package of SB1 gasoline and diesel taxes, as well as two fees levied on vehicles.

Panelist(s): Drs. Martin "Marty" Wachs and Asha Weinstein Agrawal with Ms. Hannah King

View Recording.

View Slides.

Presenters: Asha W. Agrawal, PhD, Martin Wachs, PhD, and Hannah King
February 25, 2020  Overview of Two New and Growing California Housing Datasets  -  Online

The purpose of this webinar is to introduce university researchers to two new and growing datasets at the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The two datasets that will be covered on the webinar are described below:

• Housing Element Annual Progress Report (APR): Includes information about the entire pipeline of development in each locality (i.e., development applications, approved entitlements, building permits issued and certificates of occupancy). This dataset also includes project identifiers (e.g., APNs, address), projected household income levels that will be served, and number of units in the developments. The presenter will review the new APR form (attached to this email). For more information about the Housing Element APR, please visit the Regional Housing Needs Allocation and Housing Elements webpage and click on the “Annual Progress Reports” located in the middle of the page.

• Housing Element Site Inventory: The HCD is working on a more structured format to collect information from cities and counties. This format will allow cities and counties to consistently report location and projected density of parcels that are included in their Housing Element to accommodate their share of the Regional housing needs allocation.

View Recording.

January 12, 2020 to January 16, 2020  Transportation Research Board's 99th Annual Meeting  -  Washington, D.C.

MTI Research Associates and affiliated researchers presented at the 99th annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board. This event attracted more than 13,000 transportation professionals from around the world. The meeting program covered all transportation modes, with more than 5,000 presentations in nearly 800 sessions and workshops, addressing topics of interest to policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions. A number of sessions and workshops focused on the spotlight theme for the 2020 meeting: A Century of Progress: Foundation for the Future.

June 21, 2019  The Intersection between Transportation and Housing: Building Blocks to the Future  -  San Francisco, CA
While the San Francisco Bay Area is booming with jobs and (for many) high wages, people are increasingly priced out of the housing market. The region risks losing people to fill jobs that are essential to California’s economy. A variety of taxes, grants, fees and other public revenue sources can help fund affordable housing. Moreover, an innovative solution is to involve public transportation agencies. To that end, agency-owned land in and around transportation hubs could be incentivized to create transit-oriented development projects, which place high-density housing above or adjacent to transit centers. This provides easy mobility while offering less-costly living space.
These and other innovations were discussed at the 10th Annual Norman Y. Mineta National Transportation Policy Summit, a free, half-day event hosted by the Mineta Transportation Institute at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco.

View recording

View images.

May 17, 2019  2019 Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Competition

Garrett Augustus Morgan (1877-1963) was one of seven children born in Kentucky to former slaves. After enduring the challenges of farming in the South and having to quit school to earn a living at the age of 14, he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. While working as a handyman in Ohio, Morgan hired a tutor to continue his education, influencing him to open his own business as a clothing manufacturer and start a successful newspaper. Garrett Morgan's innovative drive led him to obtain many patents, but one of his most prominent inventions, the three-way traffic signal, was designed to make roads safer for everyone, but especially pedestrians. It is not only for his inventions, but for his innovative spirit and determination for continued education in the face of adversity that MTI is proud to honor this trailblazer through the Garrett Morgan Sustainable Transportation Competition

This year From the Heart Christian SchoolJuan Crespi Middle SchoolToddy Thomas Middle School, MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate SchoolCalifornia Montessori Project- Capitol CampusSutter Middle SchoolHazelton Middle School, and Crownpoint Middle School schools registered to compete. This year's winners demonstrated that the future is in good hands with California Montessori taking first place and MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate and Sutter Middle School took 2nd and 3rd respectively. 

November 7, 2018  MTI Visiting Scholar Presents: Dr. Richard Willson  -  San José, CA

This workshop was a participant driven, interactive opportunity to launch a planning and/or engineering career.Through the concepts of A Guide to the Idealist: Launching Your Planning Career, participants  idnetified their strengths and weakensses, their desired career plan, and how to work effectively in a team environment.

Check out Dr. Willson's career workshop presentation


November 7, 2018  MTI's Sips with Scholars presents: Dr. Richard Willson  -  San José, CA

With access to affordable housing of critical concern for the Bay Area, Dr. richard Wilson posed the question of how parking reform plays a role in that crisis. 

Check out the presentation slides.


May 6, 2018  4th Annual “Silicon Valley Bikes!” Festival & Bicycle Show  -  San José, CA

We joined our Valley’s racing, road, cargo, fixed gear, cruiser, recreation, vintage, lowrider, mountain biking, BMX, cool urban lifestyle cyclists and their families for a day of fun and community building. This was a collaboration between History San José, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, Mineta Transportation Institute, Specialized Bicycles, Gooseneck Bicycles, Santa Clara Valley Brewing and more. 




Contact Us

SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: