Past Events

The California State University Transportation Consortium organizes or participates in numerous transportation-related events each year. Details about past events, including links to presentations and other relevant resources, when available, are listed below.

Dates Events
June 3, 2022  13th Annual Mineta National Transportation Policy Summit: Mapping the Route to Equitable Road User Charges

The accelerating transition to electric vehicles brings new urgency to discussions on how to replace fuel taxes with other broad-based, reliable sources of transportation revenue. From Wyoming to Delaware to California, more and more state legislatures are considering mileage fees, regions like the San Francisco Bay Area are considering expanded tolling, and New York City is within reach of adopting a congestion pricing proposal. Overlaying these discussions is a persistent call to consider the equity of any new charges on drivers. How will the charges impact low-income drivers? Does payment require access to banking tools that are not universally available? This event explored proposals including fee rates that vary by driver income, vehicle characteristics, or time and place, and equity-centered policies for responding to non-payment of tolls or other fees.

See here for more information and recordings from past events in the series.

PDH Certificate

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  • Featured Speaker: US Congressman Peter DeFazio, Chair, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure for the 117th Congress

  • Keynote Speaker: Polly Trottenberg, Deputy Secretary, US Department of Transportation

    • Q&A will be moderated by Jeff Morales, Managing Principal, InfraStrategies, LLC

  • Panel Moderator: Stephanie Wiggins, Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro)

  • Panelists:

    • Asha Weinstein Agrawal, PhD, Director, MTI National Transportation Finance Center

    • James Corless, Executive Director, Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG)

    • Reema Griffith, Executive Director, Washington State Transportation Commission

    • Hasan Ikhrata, Executive Director, ​​San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)

May 26, 2022  2022 MSTM Capstone Showcase  -  Online

6:00 - 8:00p.m. (PT) | View Event Page

During this virtual event, students from the Master of Science in Transportation Management program at San José State University presented their final capstone research projects. This interactive event provided opportunities to meet with the students and learn about their research and key issues in the field of transportation.

May 16, 2022  The Future of Mobility: Innovations to Replace Parking Mandates  -  Online

The City of San Jose voted to reform policies that mandate parking in new development. It has also implemented Transportation Demand Management measures, perhaps supported by these mobility solutions above, that assisted with this transition.

Presented by Catalyze SV, TransForm, and the Mineta Transportation Institute, we invited developers, policymakers, & community members to learn about innovative mobility services that could help make development easier & more cost- effective. This 2-hour educational event via Zoom on May 16 was tailored for developers building in Silicon Valley. The invited companies shared their solutions for helping developers decrease the amount of parking they need, including emphasizing alternative, more sustainable forms of transit. 

The participating companies were:

*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event

View Recording

May 7, 2022 to May 14, 2022  Sciencepalooza! 2022  -  Online

The Synopsys Outreach Foundation launched their 23rd annual sciencepalooza! event, serving the East Side Union High School District. With all of the challenges our schools, students, teachers, and families have endured over the past two years, it's time to have some fun with: All things STEM! We want to celebrate what students have learned and give them opportunities to see STEM at work and as a career path ahead for them! This event was a full day, hands on event and not your traditional science fair. The goal was to create a festive, fun atmosphere for students to enjoy!

MTI was a proud sponsor of this event as well as sponsoring the Mineta Best Innovative Transportation Award!

April 26, 2022 to May 28, 2022  SVBC's Bike Month and Bike to Wherever Days

Whether you bike to work, school, shops, parks, libraries, or just wherever, biking is good for you and our environment. Bicycling is one of the biggest ways you can reduce Climate Change as well as improve your health! COVID-19 caused many more people to bike around to exercise, have fun, and get wherever they need to go. During the month of May, SVBC organized a series of fun, family-friendly events to keep the momentum rolling and celebrate biking! 

We want as many people as possible to get in the habit of bicycling for transportation rather than driving a car. Did you know that it’s possible to move more stuff using your bike than most people can fit in a car? Check out Carrying Things by Bike. And did you know if you choose to bike rather than drive you can save 1 million dollars?  

Major Bike Month Events

*MTI is a proud co-sponsor of this event.

April 26, 2022  How to Be Your Own Boss Without Going Broke or Crazy - Part 3  -  Online

In this last session of the series, attendees had a chance to learn from small business owners about their experience building their business, with a focus on branding and winning work. We also invited a large consulting firm to share their perspective on partnering with small businesses. 
Panelists include:

View Part 1 Recording

View Part 2 Recording

View Part 3 Recording


Presenters: Mydria Clark, Rachael Keish, P.E., and Vignesh Swaminathan
April 19, 2022  Electric Vehicles—Past, Present, & Future  -  Online

Electric vehicles may seem like cutting-edge technology, but they are in fact quite the opposite: electric versions of the “horseless carriage” first appeared nearly two centuries ago. This webinar invited International EV experts Dr. Gijs Mom and Dr. Daniel Sperling to reflect on lessons from the history of EV technology and policy innovation that could help today’s policymakers and automotive experts smooth the path for cost-effective EV adoption.

Earth Day 2022 called for us to "Invest in Our Planet," and explore key questions about EV technology, regulation, subsidy, and charging infrastructure is critical to furthering the potential for EVs as climate-friendly transportation.

View Recording.

About the Speakers:

Dr. Gijs Mom is Associate Professor Emeritus at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, where he also served as Programme Director for Mobility History. Today he is recognized globally as one of the foremost experts on automotive history, known for his unique ability to blend analysis of technological, cultural, and political forces. 

Dr. Mom began his career with degrees in both literary history and automotive engineering, and briefly worked on engine development at Renault, in Paris. He next completed a doctoral degree in the history of technology. His dissertation, The Electric Vehicle: Technology and Expectations in the Automobile Age, was published in 2004. This book received both the ASME Engineer-Historian Award and the Best Book Award from the Society of Automotive Historians. 

Among Dr. Mom’s many scholarly articles is a prize-winning analysis of early electric trucking, coauthored with David Kirsch (2001). Later books include a cultural history of Western automobility, Atlantic Automobilism; The Emergence and Persistence of the Car, 1895-1940 (2014), a history of automotive technology: The Evolution of Automotive Technology, A Handbook (2014), and the first volume of his world mobility history, Globalizing Automobilism; Exuberance and the Emergence of Layered Mobility, 1900 – 1980 (2020). The last won best-book awards from both the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) and the World History Association (WHA). The sequel of this book, Pacific Automobilism, Adventure, Status and the Carnival of Mobility, 1975-2015, will be published in September 2022.

In 1997 Dr. Mom founded the European Center for Mobility Documentation, located in Helmond, the Netherlands. In November 2003, he co-founded the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M), which he led as president during its first five years. In 2011 he founded the journal Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies and served as its first editor.


Dr. Daniel Sperling works at the University of California, Davis, where he is Distinguished Blue Planet Prize Professor of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science and Policy, founding Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies, and founding chair of the Policy Institute for Energy, Environment, and Economy .

Dr. Sperling has been recognized for three decades as a leading international expert on transportation technology assessment, energy and environmental aspects of transportation, and transportation policy. He has authored or co-authored hundreds of technical papers and books. Dr. Sperling was co-director of the 2007 study that designed California’s landmark low carbon fuel standard and co-director of a follow-up 2010 national study. He was also lead author of the transportation chapter on the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former Vice President Al Gore. His books include Three Revolutions: Steering Automated, Shared and Electric Vehicles to a Better Future (Island Press, 2018) and Future Drive: Electric Vehicles and Sustainable Transportation (1995). In 2022, he was elected as a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

Dr. Sperling’s many public service roles include his appointment in 2007 to the California Air Resources Board, where he oversees state policies and regulations on climate change, low carbon fuels and vehicles, and sustainable cities. 

Prior to obtaining his Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley (with minors in Economics and Energy & Resources), Dr. Sperling worked two years as an environmental planner for the US Environmental Protection Agency and two years as an urban planner in the Peace Corps in Honduras. He has an undergraduate degree in engineering and urban planning from Cornell University.

April 8, 2022  SJSU Urban Planning Spring Symposium: Racial Equity in Transportation Planning  -  Online

This year we focused the discussion around racial equity in the field of transportation planning. This event aimed to give attendees a better understanding of some of the problems that minority communities face in transportation and mobility and some of the ways that these issues can be addressed through the planning process.

Our keynote speaker was Tamika Butler, who kicked off our discussion with a short presentation about their work in the field of transportation followed by a brief Q&A session.

Following the keynote speaker, we had a short discussion with our panel of experts including:

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Presenters: April Rae, Kimberly Slaughter, Rameses Madou, Clarissa Cabansagan, and Natasha Opfell
April 6, 2022 to April 9, 2022  California Bicycle Summit 2022  -  Oakland, CA

On April 2022, the California Bicycle Summit returned to Oakland for four days of keynote addresses, workshops, and bike rides. 

This inspiring biennial gathered California bicycle advocates, planners, agency administrators, and more. The California Bicycle Summit is the state’s most important bicycle advocacy event and one of the nation’s leading bicycle-related conferences. Attendees were able to learn, share, inspire, and meet others who shared the same passion in biking!

*MTI was a proud sponsor of this summit.

March 29, 2022  A Hands-On Exploration of the Bay Area Parking Census  -  Online

The Mineta Transportation Institute, in partnership with SPUR and researchers at Arizona State University, created a parking census of the Bay Area has revealed the true enormity of land that we dedicate to our cars: 15 million spaces spread across the region’s nine counties. To coincide with the launch of this census we’re also releasing the database that was used as the backbone for our research. This innovative, publicly-available tool can serve as an important asset to help policymakers and planners throughout the Bay Area make more strategic decisions about parking. But such a tool is only useful if you know what to do with it. This interactive workshop taught us the data-rich index of the region’s parking surfeit can be wielded to inform policy changes, both big and small, in your own city.

*MTI was a proud co-sponsor of this event.

View Recording.




Contact Us

SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: