UTC Project Information

MCTM conducts research that identifies safe, reliable transportation solutions that increase mobility of people and goods and strengthen the nation’s economy. The list below provides project information for all MCTM research, both in progress and completed. To view only completed research, please visit our Publications page.

Topic Project Number PI
Exploring Strategies to Improve Mobility and Safety on Roadway Segments in Urban Areas 1701 Dr. Stephen Arhin
Modeling the Effect of Developments and Road Construction Projects on Transportation System Performance  1702 Srinivas S. Pulugurtha, PhD
Transportation for an Aging Population: Promoting Mobility and Equity for Low-Income Seniors 1704 Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, PhD
A Framework for Integrating Transportation Into Smart Cities 1705 Susan A. Shaheen, PhD
The Potential for Autonomous Vehicle Technologies to Address Barriers to Driving for Individuals with Autism 1706 Caroline Rodier, PhD
Analysis of Disengagements in Semi-Autonomous Vehicles: Drivers’ Takeover Performance and Operational Implications 1710 Francesca Favaro, PhD
Evaluating Alternative Measures of Bicycling Level of Traffic Stress Using Crowdsourced Route Satisfaction Data 1711 Kevin Fang, PhD
Assessing Complete Street Strategies Using Microscopic Traffic Simulation Models 1712 Anurag Pande, PhD & Serena Alexander, PhD
How and Where Should I Ride This Thing? “Rules Of The Road” for Personal Transportation Devices 1713 Kevin Fang, PhD & Asha W. Agrawal, PhD
Value Capture to Fund Public Transportation: The Impact of Warm Springs BART Station on the Value of Neighboring Residential Properties in Fremont, CA 1714 Shishir Mathur, PhD
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a School-based Intervention on Driving-related Carbon Emissions Using Real-time Transportation Data 1715 Eugene Cordero, PhD
A Survey of Viva CalleSJ Participants: San Jose, California, 2017 1730 Asha W. Agrawal, PhD
Towards a Smart World: Hazard Levels for Monitoring of Autonomous Vehicles’ Swarms 1735 Francesca M. Favaro
Improving Demand Modeling in California's Rail Transit System 1736 Rui Liu, PhD
Review of Literature and Curricula in Smart Supply Chain & Transportation 1737 Dr. Seung Jun Lee & Dr. Tianqin (Kelly) Shi
Older Adults' Perceptions Regarding Transportation Services in San Jose, CA: Access, Barriers, and Innovations 1738 Deborah J. Bolding, PhD
Managing Cyber Risks & Business Exposure in the Surface Transportation Ecosystem 1739 Jacques Francoeur
Automated Vehicles Have Arrived: What's a Transit Agency to Do? 1740 John Niles
Evaluating San José's 4th Street Pop-up Bikeway: What Does the Public Think? 1795 Hilary Nixon, PhD
Urban Goods Movement and Local Climate Action Plans: Assessing Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Freight Transportation 1796 Andrew R. Goetz & Serena E. Alexander
The Potential for Using Loyalty Rewards and Incentives Programs to Encourage Transit Ridership and Regional Transportation and Land Use Integration 1797 Christopher E. Ferrell, PhD
Examining the Development Effects of Modern-Era Streetcars: An Assessment of Portland and Seattle 1798 Jeffrey Brown, PhD
Predicting Acceptable Wait Times for Patrons at Transit Bus Stops by Time of Day 1801 Dr. Stephen Arhin
Modeling Operational Performance of Urban Roads with Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions 1802 Srinivas S. Pulugurtha, PhD
How Effective are Toll Roads in Improving Operational Performance? 1804 Srinivas S. Pulugurtha, PhD




Contact Us

SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: mineta-institute@sjsu.edu