Media Coverage

Our experts are available to speak with the news media about many topics, including autonomous vehicles, bicycle and pedestrian safety, congestion, high-speed rail, intermodal connectivity, public transit, transportation planning and policy, transportation security, and workforce issues.

For media requests, please contact:

Alverina Weinardy
Director of Operations
San Jose, CA
(408) 924-7560 office

The following represents a sample of print and broadcast stories featuring MTI research and leaders.

Date Title Media Outlet
09/12/2023 API Equity Budget in Jeopardy As California Faces $20 Billion Deficit San Bernardino American News
09/11/2023 State of Transportation San José Spotlight
09/11/2023 API Equity Budget in Jeopardy as California Faces $20 Billion Deficit The Los Angeles Post
09/11/2023 SL: Tunnelbanan kan vara potentiellt mål för terrorism Dagens Nyheter -
09/08/2023 Transit can't do it by itself The Planet You Save Could Be Your Own
09/06/2023 Entrenamiento para usar el transporte público favorece a latinos de la tercera edad El Tiempo Latino
09/05/2023 San Jose’s vision for smarter, safer streets: City studies how to best use curb space Local News Matters
08/31/2023 San Jose studies how to best use curb space San José Spotlight
08/30/2023 Mineta Transportation Institute analysis shows transportation planning process should focus on outcomes over projects Mass Transit
08/30/2023 People, Place, and Public Good: Equitable Transportation Connects Us All Accelerate Magazine
08/29/2023 MTI Explores Ways to Improve Public Transit METRO Magazine
08/28/2023 Pandemics Don't Really End—They Echo TIME
08/25/2023 Evolving patterns of violence in developing countries IFSEC Insider
08/24/2023 Silicon Valley Transit Agency Spends Millions To Prepare For The Worst Patch
08/23/2023 Silicon Valley transit agency spends millions to prepare for the worst San José Spotlight
08/22/2023 Cyber Attackers are Coming for Transit Agencies, Here's How to Strengthen Your Security Posture Mass Transit
08/22/2023 2023 40 Under 40: Martin Barna, MSTM Mass Transit
08/22/2023 2023 40 Under 40: Boris Lipkin Mass Transit
08/19/2023 Infrastructure sectors hit hardest by ransomware Wisconsin State Journal
08/17/2023 Evolving patterns of violence in developing countries Crisis Response Journal




Contact Us

SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: