Mileage Fee Research and Information Directory (MFRID)

For this project, the authors created a searchable spreadsheet of publications on the subject of mileage fees. Mileage fees, which are also know by terms such as road charges, road-user charges, and vehicle-mile-traveled fees, assess on vehicle owners a fee for each mile traveled. In recent years, mileage fees have been the subject of considerable research and discussion in the United States, with the idea that the fees could replace fuel taxes once a large proportion of vehicles run on energy sources other than gasoline or diesel fuel. To date, however, there has been no convenient place for researchers and professionals to find a collection of scholarly and professional publications about mileage fees. This project helps to fill that gap. The researchers conducted a wide-ranging scan for information about mileage fees published in both the scholarly and “gray” literatures. The search focused on publications about the United States, but the researchers recorded English-language publications discussing other countries as well. The assembled publications were organized into a spreadsheet directory. For each item, the directory presents publication information and classifies the publication by geography, type of publication, and primary research method.

Mineta Consortium for Transportation Mobility
San José State University
Principal Investigator: 
Asha W. Agrawal, PhD
PI Contact Information: 

Mineta Transportation Institute
San José State University
210 N. 4th St., 4th Floor
San José, CA 95112

Funding Source(s) and Amounts Provided (by each agency or organization): 

U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology – $689

Total Project Cost: 
Agency ID or Contract Number: 
July 2020 to October 2021
Project Number: 



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