Benefits and Challenges of Integrating Operations of California High-Speed Rail (CSHR), Amtrak, and Brightline-West & Review of California Legislature Impacting HSR's Contracting and Financing Alternatives

High-Speed Rails (HSRs) in the US used to be a distant reality in recent decades, but the landscape is rapidly changing. Currently, several HSR projects are being pursued, and these are at various project stages, from groundbreaking to successful operation. Researchers have established several benefits of having HSRs, including but not limited to reducing greenhouse gasses, relieving congestion, alleviating the increasing travel demand, and improving mobility. These advantages necessitate identifying, capturing, and maximizing the anticipated gains from HSRs in the US. The advantages of HSRs lead to the following two research aims: 

  • Evaluating the benefits of integrating the HSRs with other rail services in California (CA). 
  • Review the CA Legislative landscape to identify the deficiencies in Statutes restricting CHSR from maximizing financial and contractual benefits. 

The first research will identify the benefits and challenges of integrating train services in the US. This will be done by identifying the benefits and challenges of integrating HSR with other train services in California. Case study methodology will be used to study the successes and challenges by integrating CHSR, Acela's, and Brightline West.  
The second research objective will primarily focus on California Legislation and the CHSR project, but it will also cross-reference the legislation from the perspective of other transportation regulating legislation. The objectives of this research can be divided into two sub-objectives. First, study CA Statutes that enable the development of other transportation facilities and consider if the same legal framework would help CHSR and second, study CA Statutes that enabled the development of CHSR and identify the hurdles that restricted CHSR from maximizing advantages from project delivery methods and accessing funding opportunities.

Principal Investigator: 
Deepak Sharma, PhD
PI Contact Information:

CSU Fullerton

October 2024 to September 2025
Implementation of Research Outcomes: 

The findings from the first research are expected to shape a nationally integrated rail plan while considering the interoperability between systems. The outcomes shall also include potential governance options to help integrate trains nationally. 
The second research will enable the identification of the challenges faced by CHSR in terms of project delivery methods and accessing funding opportunities. The findings are also expected to get policymakers' attention in shaping the State's statutes on HSRs.

Impacts/Benefits of Implementation: 

The research outcomes will have a long-lasting impact on rails in the US. Some of the most prominent benefits from this research are:

  • Improved connectivity: An interconnected rail network will significantly impact the travel time and convenience of commuters. 
  • Economies of Scale: With an integrated rail network, the rails operated by private and government will come together and will transform the rail sector into a more robust network, enabling better connectivity and service.
  • Shared Resources and Expertise: Sharing the resources and expertise between the rail operators is expected to increase the overall efficiency of rails.
  • More Funding Opportunities: The integrated rail systems will open doors to funding opportunities that are not accessible now.
  • Project Delivery Methods (PDMs): This research will look into Statutes that will enable (or do not enable) HSRs to pursue a project via some PDMs. The study will help identify the constraints in the current legislation that pose challenges to implementing HSR projects in CA.
Project Number: 



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