Media Coverage

Our experts are available to speak with the news media about many topics, including autonomous vehicles, bicycle and pedestrian safety, congestion, high-speed rail, intermodal connectivity, public transit, transportation planning and policy, transportation security, and workforce issues.

For media requests, please contact:

Irma Garcia
Communications and Workforce Development Coordinator
San Jose, CA
(408) 924-7560 office

The following represents a sample of print and broadcast stories featuring CSUTC research and leaders.

Date Title Media Outlet
06/12/2021 Fee for miles driven? Hot lanes? Funding solutions sought The Hour
06/12/2021 Fee for miles driven? Hot lanes? Funding solutions sought San Antonio Express-News
06/12/2021 Fee for miles driven? Hot lanes? Funding solutions sought Connecticut Post
06/12/2021 Fee for miles driven? Hot lanes? Funding solutions sought Stamford Advocate
06/12/2021 Fee for miles driven? Hot lanes? Funding solutions sought The Darien Times
06/12/2021 Fee for miles driven? Hot lanes? Funding solutions sought The Register Citizen
06/12/2021 Fee for miles driven? Hot lanes? Funding solutions sought San Antonio Express-News
06/12/2021 Fee for miles driven? Hot lanes? Funding solutions sought Midland Reporter-Telegram
06/11/2021 The Benefits and Challenges of Electric Car Policy Route Fifty
06/10/2021 Monitor notes: graywater event, criminal justice reform, park naming, transportation funding, and ev transitions Bay Area Monitor
06/10/2021 Mass Transit Security News Mass Transit Magazine
06/10/2021 Traffic patterns change as economy reopens Omny
06/04/2021 New report on Peak Hour Travel on public transportation to aid security planning Security Magazine
06/04/2021 New report on Peak Hour Travel on public transportation to aid security planning News Break
06/03/2021 NYC metro transport authority was breached by hackers believed linked to China: US document The Straits Times
06/03/2021 NYC metro transport authority was breached by hackers believed linked to China: US document, United States News & Top Stories Singapore News Live
06/03/2021 The M.T.A. Is Breached by Hackers as Cyberattacks Surge DNyuz
06/03/2021 Ransomware attack cripples Martha's Vineyard ferry - as it's revealed China hacked NYC's MTA in April in failed bid to get control of its subway trains Daily Mail
06/03/2021 中国黑了纽约运输网 勒索软件瘫痪渡轮(图) Secret China
06/03/2021 China Hacked Into MTA But Failed To Control New York Subway: Ransomware Cripples Martha’s Vineyard Ferry WhatsNew2Day




Contact Us

SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: