- 408-924-7560
- mineta-institute@sjsu.edu
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The average lifespan of lithium batteries is relatively short and a huge amount of EV batteries will be retired in the next decade, leading to considerable environmental concerns and sparking an influx of recycling enterprises into the battery industry. However, unauthorized recyclers often follow recycling processes that are not compliant with the established regulations, which may cause serious harm to the natural environment and humans, resulting in the idle capacity of the authorized recyclers who are unable to achieve economies of scale, and pose challenges such as lack of information sharing and product untraceability. This proposed project will examine the use of blockchain in the EV battery supply chain by answering the following questions:
San Jose State University
The study will involve two stages. In the first stage, we will conduct interviews with automobile industry practitioners to understand the status quo of blockchain implementation in EV battery recycling, the impacts of unauthorized recycling on the battery recovery supply chain, and the motivation of supply chain participants to adopt blockchain technology to facilitate battery recycling. The interview results will be summarized, which will guide us in refining our model setup and assumptions. In the second stage, we will develop a Stackelberg game theory model by considering a supply chain with a manufacturer, a retailer, an authorized recycler, and an unauthorized recycler. We will derive closed-form equilibrium and conditions or seek numerical results.
This proposed research will contribute to the existing research by understanding the status quo of blockchain implementation in EV battery recycling, examining the impact of blockchain on the EV batteries CLSC, investigating the willingness of all CLSC members to adopt blockchain technology, and focusing on the challenges presented by the unauthorized recycler to the battery recycling supply chain. The project is anticipated to provide insights to regulators, EV manufacturers, recyclers, and blockchain platform service providers and discuss the environmental impacts.
SJSU Research Foundation 210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112 Phone: 408-924-7560 Email: mineta-institute@sjsu.edu