Media Coverage

Our experts are available to speak with the news media about many topics, including autonomous vehicles, bicycle and pedestrian safety, congestion, high-speed rail, intermodal connectivity, public transit, transportation planning and policy, transportation security, and workforce issues.

For media requests, please contact:

Alverina Weinardy
Director of Operations
San Jose, CA
(408) 924-7560 office

The following represents a sample of print and broadcast stories featuring MTI research and leaders.

Date Title Media Outlet
12/06/2024 Trumps Wiederwahl könnte Kaliforniens Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnprojekt gefährden Forbes
12/05/2024 Philbrick: Transit workers make your holiday trips possible San Jose Spotlight
12/05/2024 Trump could 'derail' California high-speed rail project, despite billions spent Forbes
12/05/2024 Trump could 'derail' California high-speed rail project, despite billions spent Forbes
12/04/2024 Anton Rozhkov named as the new director of the M.S. in Applied Urban Science and Informatics at CUSP NYU Tandon
11/14/2024 Surface Transportation News: Fresh thinking about vehicle miles of travel Reason Foundation
10/25/2024 CA: Experienced harassment on Sacramento public transit? RT wants to hear from riders Mass Transit
10/23/2024 Cycling and Older Adults: Insights from the 50+ Cycling Survey Cal Bike
10/17/2024 A new tax on Uber and Lyft Politico
10/16/2024 SacRT Launches Survey Citrus Heights Messenger
10/16/2024 Railway Age Announces Women in Rail Honorees for 2024 Railway Age
10/15/2024 Fernandez receives Frank Turner Award Geosynthetics Magazine
10/12/2024 Transit systems are targeting fare evaders to win back riders leery about crime The Philadelphia Tribune
10/12/2024 Transit systems are targeting fare evaders to win back riders leery about crime The Seattle Times
10/12/2024 Transit Systems Are Targeting Fare Evaders To Win Back Riders Leery About Crime The Associated Press
10/11/2024 Transit systems are targeting fare evaders to win back riders leery about crime ABC News
10/10/2024 MTI releases report on transportation construction workforce shortages Transportation Today News
10/10/2024 SacRT rolls out comprehensive customer survey to enhance rider safety, address street harassment Mass Transit Magazine
10/10/2024 California's SacRT Launches Survey to Enhance Rider Safety, Address Harassment Metro Magazine
10/09/2024 SacRT offering $10 credit for survey participants to help improve rider safety ABC 10




Contact Us

SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: