Cycling Past 50: A Closer Look into the World of Older Cyclists, Year 5 Survey

Are you 50 years young or more? Do you enjoy the occasional bike ride or even pedal your way through adventures regularly? The 50+ Cycling Survey needs you! Spend just 20 minutes sharing your cycling opinions and insights to help influence the future of biking for older adults.

Your input is valuable even if you have taken the survey in previous years. As you've journeyed through another year, your perspective has evolved. Your participation year after year enables us to better understand cycling trends and preferences change over time. Your feedback can help us understand rates of e-bike ownership, motivations for cycling, and more.

Take a moment to reflect on your cycling habits and share your thoughts with us! Click here to take the survey.

Include information about the survey in your social media and eNews. Suggest content to help with this is at this link.

About the survey
The 50+ Cycling Survey is a survey of older adults who cycle. First offered in 2018, the survey provides information about the cycling history, habits, and preferences of older adults. Now in its fifth year, the survey gives older cyclists a voice in helping to answer the question: How can our growing understanding of older cyclists affect policy, programs, design, and practices? The survey can also be used as a self-assessment tool for older cyclists to consider ways to continue cycling, especially when age-related changes may discourage them from doing so.

This year’s survey is updated in several ways. We combined some questions to make answering them simpler. Also, in response to comments on the visual preference portion of the survey, we have added more context information and included links to Google maps for several photos so you can see the broader context. Because cycling rates can vary by land use, we’ve added a question about the type of area in which you live. We’ve also adjusted answer options for some questions based on changing circumstances (e.g., COVID) and popular write-in answers from Year 4.

50+ Cycling Survey, Year 5 relevant links

Published reports from the series

Principal Investigator: 
Carol Kachadoorian
April 2024 to June 2025
Project Number: 



Contact Us

SJSU Research Foundation   210 N. 4th Street, 4th Floor, San Jose, CA 95112    Phone: 408-924-7560   Email: